Wow, I can't imagine that it is that difficult to install LibreOffice on .deb or, for that matter, on any other package (.rpm) on Linux.

I am like Tim with his suggestions below. I am on Mageia Linux rpm. Except I just don't like typing anything for installs in anything, especially in console, except for passwords.

So, here is how I do my LibreOffice installs (in 4 steps), and, I am pretty sure this is possible on a .deb install and on the majority of Linux distros. Here is my KDE routine (I am pretty sure that the Gnome routine would be the same and on most Linux window managers):


* uninstall the older version of LibreOffice (all of it) by using your package manager. The only thing you have to type is the root password. And yes, everything related to the 3.x.x.x or 4.x.x.x version that you are replacing -- *the only thing to type is the root password*


* Download the download file(s) into a file folder. So, for example, I created a file folder called v. and downloaded the .tar.gz file there. No need to rename anything -- *there is nothing to type*


* unpack the .tar.gz by right clicking on the file(s). If there are 2 .tar.gz files or more, you can even select all of them, the, right-click and choose "extract archive here" -- *there is nothing to type*


* once unpacked, there will be a folder. Browse into the folder, pick all of the .rpm files, then, right-click and choose "Open with"->"Software Installer"". The package manager installer window opens and asks you for the root password -- *the only thing to type is the root password*


* \o/ done  <-- OK, I added this step just for fun


Linux has come a long way in user friendliness. There is no need to go through all of these hoops to install a piece of software. If I were a Windows user, this kind of thread would scare me away from using Linux as it makes it sound so difficult to install. It is not that complicated and there is really no need to make it this complicated -- if it were this complicated to install LibreOffice, even I would consider moving to another OS.

Phew, OK, I feel better now that I got this off my chest. Now where did I put those blood pressure pills ... [*smile*]



Le 2013-02-10 22:27, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :

I do not like all that typing.

What I do is use the default file manager and double click the archived
file and unarchive it. Then I take the folder that is created and rename
it to Lib or LibO. That way you do not need to type all of the
characters of the folder's name. I also do not use the desktop as the
"storage" place fore the unarchived folder[s].

I keep forgetting the "remove" command so I use the package manager to
remove the LO packages from the previous version that was installed.
Works well for me.

Also, I tend to use the "cd" command to go to the proper folder[s] where
the "dpkg" command is needed. Long ago, in my mainframe days, I was
taught to go to the folder[s] where my files are to run them. That is
what I try to do. The only time I do not is when I have a launcher icon
to work with on my desktop. I prefer to use the GUI more than the
terminal anyways. Easier on my fingers and my typing skills after 3
strokes. So I do things as easy as I can, or easy as I can remember to

On 02/10/2013 01:06 PM, Don Myers wrote:

I used the following instructions to upgrade to LibreOffice on
three machines with Ubuntu 12.10. It has worked really well so far. No
issues installing or using it. The bug that made some functions in
Base run unacceptably slow have been fixed!!!!!!!

*Instructions for the 64 Bit Debian Version:*
Download LibreOffice_4.0.0.3 to the desktop.
Right click on it and extract it to the desktop. This will give you
the folder LibreOffice_4.0.0.3_Linux_x86-64_deb
Run the following terminal commands to install it:
1. sudo apt-get remove libreoffice*.*
2. sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/LibreOffice_4.0.0.3_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS/*.deb
3. sudo dpkg -i

4. If using Unity, Open Dash, type Libre and you will see the
different components (Writer, Calc, etc.). Simply drag the icons for
them over to where you wish to have them in the launcher bar.

If you install it in this manner using the official Document
Foundation version, and you type libreoffice in the command line, I
get the following:
The program 'libreoffice' is currently not installed. You can install
it by typing:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-common
An install as shown above does not have any repository from which it
originated. Therefore there aren't any updates, which I understand. If
it showed up as an installed program, Ubuntu would try to update the
LibreOffice with its own version which would lead to a royal
mess!!!!!! I did not get a message saying there is a missing package
like you did.


On 02/10/2013 09:59 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

I ram the install on Linux Mint 14 and had no troubles with it.

On 02/09/2013 03:07 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I downloaded the .Deb for Ubuntu (and others) twice yday and tried
installing it as per instructions but when i tried running LibreOffice
from the command-line by typing in


I got an error message saying that LibreOffice couldn't run because
i was missing a package called something like


when i looked through all the packages in the Deb and desktop
folders i found there was one! I'm sure it's been there in previous
releases?! However when i double-click on a docX or odt or anything
then LibreOffice 4 does successfully open it.

So, it's a bit weird but doesn't seem to be problem unless i try
that odd
way of opening LO in a way that i would never normally have tried
unless i wanted to try to collect error reports and stuff (ie never).

Regards from
Tom :)

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