>> "Alexander" == Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurg...@gmail.com> writes:

   > Le 11/02/13 15:18, Uwe Brauer a écrit :
   > Hi Uwe,

   >> Now I want to edit the relation and I am offered the possibility to add
   >> more fields. So I select the notes file in either table but I receive
   >> the following error.
   >> Primary or unique constraint required on main table.  "Accounts"
   >> in statement [ALTER TABLE "Tasks" ADD FOREIGN KEY
   >> ("TaskId","Notes") REFERENCE "Accounts"("AccountI","Notes")]
   >> I am puzzled, in the intrinsic database only relations between
   >> primary keys are possible?? Is this a property of the intrinsic
   >> database, or is it a bug? I am thinking of submitting a bug
   >> report.

   > The following possibilities occur to me :

   > (a) you might need to drop your previously configured constraint
   > before you can set up a new one via the GUI. From what I recall,
   > this might only be possible manually, i.e. by issuing a SQL command
   > (menu Tools > SQL) to DROP the CONSTRAINT from the tables, then
   > shutting down the db file, closing LO completely and re-opening.

   > (b) you might not be able to set combined constraints on more than one
   > field in both tables simultaneously via the GUI - again you may
   > find that you have to do this manually (although it may actually
   > turn out to be a limitation of hsqldb 1.8, I haven't checked)

This is my impression. Even when I generate for the first time a
relation ship via the GUI, I can only have the primary keys, if I put
more field in the relation it fails. 

And if I just set it up for the primary keys and later edit, same

I think it is time for a bug report.


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