On 02/17/2013 04:53 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:

Luuk wrote:
On 17-02-2013 20:03, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 02/17/2013 01:19 PM, Luuk wrote:
On 16-02-2013 23:44, Dan Lewis wrote:
       I can connect to the MySQL server (5.5) on the same computer
using localhost. But how do I connect to a MySQL server on another
computer on the same network? I can not find it in the MySQL manual, or
I don't know where to look in it.
      I use MySQL Workbench for administrative purposes.


Here is the link to the manual:

      Thanks for the link, but I already have it in ePUB format. My
problem is trying to determine what the manual means. It is very verbose!


It might be....

'skip-networking' in your config (read:my.cnf) means that MySQL will not listen to any network interface. Yuou will still be able to connect to localhost, because its something 'sepecial'

"The public releases of the MySQL database differentiate between localhost and When using localhost from a client program, say a PHP application, then MySQL connects to the database using a Unix domain socket rather than making a direct TCP connection[7][8]. To ensure a TCP connection to the database in IPv4 then use"
Umm.  Are you sure about that?
I am not an expert, but it has been my experience that if "skip-networking" is enabled, then localhost will not work either. As you say, there are two ways to access the server: the network or the Unix socket. The MySQL programs generally use the socket. However, LO Base and, more specifically, the "connector" driver, use the network interface. When users complain about not being able to connect to MySQL, I suggest commenting out the skip-networking directive and when they do, they are able to connect. That implies that localhost is controlled by skip-networking. localhost may indeed be something special, but I think in this respect, it isn't. If you do an "ifconfig" while root (Linux), you will see that the lo (loopback) interface, which is, is listed along with the hardware LAN Ethernet interface(s). So it is treated at the same level as the Ethernet interface in the IP (Internet Protocol) stack. BTW, the last sentence of the wiki you quote doesn't make sense. Under *nix, the name "localhost" is defined as (the lo interface) in the "/etc/hosts" file. Therefor, when localhost is requested, it gets translated to by the computer, not passed on to MySQL as a special case. MySQL should have nothing to do with this translation, so it would never see the name "localhost". That said, it seems that the "connector" driver could make that translation for MySQL. I don't know the interior details of the connector, but It could get the localhost name from Base and then process it. It could make a special case of localhost and vector subsequent requests to the socket. However, as I said, that has not been my experience.
Just my 2-cents.
Girvin Herr
MySQL server 5.1 has a skip network section. This has been modified in Server 5.5 to this:

# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
bind-address        =

The reference in the MySQL Reference Manual ( "Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification") states what to put in place of for using MySQL over a network. In my case, I can use 192.168.2.% or

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