On Sun, 2013-02-24 at 19:56 +0000, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> The documentation team needs a LOT more people.  At the moment it
> barely has enough to just work on the guides (which were extremely
> well received at Scale btw).  
> If these other attempts at documentation are done through by
> individuals through blogs and personal spaces then when/if those
> individuals "run out of steam"  or if outside life takes over then the
> work would be lost or difficult to carry on with - or even difficult
> to find at all. 

I agree completely - but it would help to get people off-the-ground and
using the technology.  I cannot document a technology that I can't [very
easily] get up and rolling with.  I'm just saying not to make the
perfect the enemy of the good [which happens terribly often in Open
Source land].

Aside:  PUNO <http://www.wstech2.net/index.php?do=0a,01,05> which is an
UNO connector for PUNO is a nice bit of code; we use that to generate
documents on our website/webservice.

Various UNO getting started guides:





Adam Tauno Williams  GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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