Hi :)
I think there are 4 different languages that can be used to create macros for 
LibreOffice.  Java is going down the pan now that Oracle run it so it might be 
best to use Python?  The LibreOffice devs are currently converting all java 
stuff to other languages, i think mostly to Python or C++.
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew <apb5...@bak.rr.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Saturday, 9 March 2013, 22:12
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Macro Security Settings
>On 3/9/2013 12:42 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>>> I now have the problem Miroslaw has already commented on - star office vs.
>>> >VBA.  Ouch.   I've received "Basic runtime error 1". Is there a translation
>>> >guide?
>> I'm not sure, I don't think so. I have never tried to load an Excel
>> macro in LibreOffice and I didn't use Excel since I don't know when,
>> 2006?
>> Does it look like LibreOffice has tried to translate the macro somehow
>> or does it look exactly like the original Excel macro?
>> What does the line look like that currently is producing an error? Are
>> there many lines like that?
>> Andrew Pitonyak's macro document is a good start if you want to learn
>> LibreOffice Basic macro programming. Search for AndrewMacro and you
>> will find a PDF and an ODF (same document, different formats).
>> Installing something called ”xray” is also a very good idea. It's a
>> macro that helps you investigate objects, for example cell ranges,
>> selections and much more.
>> If you just want to know a couple of simple things, like how to get
>> and set properties for a cell range, you can ask here if you can't
>> find the answer by searching.
>> Johnny Rosenberg
>>> >
>>> >This is not just a simple one line macro, this is a program of relatively
>>> >large proportion - I estimate hundreds of lines of code. And I have others 
>>> >I
>>> >will probably need to do the same.
>>> >
>>> >By the way, it sure would be nice if I could copy & paste error messages
>>> >directly from the error dialogs (the same way I was able to copy & paste 
>>> >the
>>> >version string), instead of having to retype them.
>I have this sinking feeling that converting to star basic is a step backwards 
>in time, not forward.  Is there any other *current* program this BASIC is 
>compatible with?  Or does this lock me into LibreOffice?  Maybe I'd be better 
>off converting to java if I'm going to do a major rewrite?
>Maybe the differences/changes are minor.  I looked at the macro guide you 
>mentioned and... well, it seems like it's a whole different language.
>Here is the first thing it errored out on.  The "set rng=" statement.  I 
>include the entire subroutine so that you have some context.  Since this is 
>the entry point to my program I suppose you could just copy & paste it to your 
>own empty file called "newinputs.xls" and see what happens when you run it.  
>Thank you
>Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
>Dim rng As Range
>Dim myPath As String
>Dim appl As String
>Dim myName As String
>Dim lastRow As Integer
>Dim lastColumn As Integer
>Dim pro As Worksheet
>dWidth = Me.Height
>appl = "newinputs.xls"
>myPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
>myName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
>If myName <> appl Then
>    MsgBox "I'm confused!  Please close " & myName & " before trying to run " 
>& appl
>    Exit Sub
>End If
>Set pro = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Processed")
>lastRow = pro.UsedRange.Rows.count
>lastColumn = pro.UsedRange.Columns.count
>*Set rng = pro.Range("b2", pro.Cells(lastRow, lastColumn).Address)*
>frmPropertyEntry.PropertyInfo.RowSource = vbNullString
>frmPropertyEntry.PropertyInfo.RowSource = rng.Address
>page = "Processed"
>Set rng = Nothing
>Set pro = Nothing
>'frmPropertyEntry.Show (vbModeless)
>End Sub
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