Greetings from Russia, comrads!
I've installed Fedora and LibreOffice onto my girlfriend's computer. She 
started to use them some months ago and now we have some questions to you, dear 
1) There was a moment when LibreOffice alerted message like "LibreOffice can't 
save important internal information" (or smth like this). She couldn't close 
that messasge as well as save her work. We have been trying many things for ~2 
hours, but the solution was to close Firefox. So, if such situations are 
possible, maybe it's worth to add tips to that message?
2) She finds unability to crop images visually in Writer very unconvenient. I 
mean that there is no tool "Crop" is available in Writer but there is such a 
tool in Draw (with scissorson icon). Moreover, there IS such a toll in Impress! 
So, can we wait and hope than once it will appear in Writer, too? Or there is a 
high reason for this fact, e.g. unix-way?
Thank you for your attention and excuse me for my quite bad English. 

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