On 06/02/2013 12:58 PM, NickKolok wrote:

Greetings from Russia, comrads!
I've installed Fedora and LibreOffice onto my girlfriend's computer. She 
started to use them some months ago and now we have some questions to you, dear 
1) There was a moment when LibreOffice alerted message like "LibreOffice can't save 
important internal information" (or smth like this). She couldn't close that 
messasge as well as save her work. We have been trying many things for ~2 hours, but the 
solution was to close Firefox. So, if such situations are possible, maybe it's worth to 
add tips to that message?
2) She finds unability to crop images visually in Writer very unconvenient. I mean that 
there is no tool "Crop" is available in Writer but there is such a tool in Draw 
(with scissorson icon). Moreover, there IS such a toll in Impress! So, can we wait and 
hope than once it will appear in Writer, too? Or there is a high reason for this fact, 
e.g. unix-way?
Thank you for your attention and excuse me for my quite bad English.

Your English is not bad at all.

I use Ubuntu 12.04 - Debian based 64-bit installs - on my desktops. I use MATE desktop environment instead of the default Unity, since it is more like the GNOME 2.x desktop. I also use Windows 7 on some laptops.

Do you have any Firefox extensions for OpenOffice or LibreOffice installed? The only thing I can think of, if you have to close Firefoxfirst, was that they were both linked by some extension or add on. Of course, there is the question about if there were any web linked images or web page links in the document. I do not know is there would be an issue there, but it still seem that the two packages are "connected" in some way and needed the Firefox connection to be shut down first. It may be some issue within Fedora and its settings for both Firefox and LibreOffice.

Are you using Fedora's installed version of LibreOffice, or did you did you download it from the LibreOffice page? What is your version of Fedora? What is you desktop environment?

I never did much cropping withing a word processing package. I always cropped the images in an external editor to the size I wanted, before using it. I am not much of a Draw user, so if the image is in a bitmap file format, like JPG or PNG, I use a package like GIMP to do the cropping.

As for a reason for not having it within Writer, I can say this. . . The more non-text processing options within a word processor, the more complex and "bloated" the package will be. Yes there needs to be things likeincluding images and other things like that, but adding the image editing options to a word processor was not a high priority items for most users. If we included the basic image processing options from GIMP and Draw in Writer, then it would make that part of the office suite much more complex to maintain and to add new features. It can make a very big mess for both the developers and the users. Microsoft Worduse to state that they added over 1000 new features in their newest version of their word processor. The problem was that most user I knew did not use most of these new features or the ones in Word were not as good as in an external package, like using GIMP for image editing/cropping. But Microsoft kept adding more and more to the point that their install would 2 to 3 times the drive space as is use to do thewith the previous versions. I stopped using MS Office and Adobe's Photoshop and Illustrator years ago when they each needed over a gigabyte of drive space when my system had only 40 GB totalbetween two drives.

So the more non-word and text options you add to Writer the larger its install will be. Also these options may not work as well as the currently free or open source package that are dedicated to do those things. We had people wanting LibreOffice to have an email client [and more] like MS Office's Outlook/Exchange email client/system. Our developers would have to start from scratch for most things, while Thunderbird and Evolution have been developing their free clients for many years. We could not compete with them. We wanted to stick with an office suite. Many office suites do not include any type of image editor - like Draw - in their packages. It just takes so long to develop. LibreOffice started with the old OpenOffice.org coding and Draw was already there, we we kept making it betteralong with the rest of the parts that makeup our office suite. Adding major image editing options to the word processor does not make much sense, for now. Impress uses images and slides, which is heavy image and text editing, so it is natural to have some internal options to work with these images, or at least more than Writer would need.

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