At 17:04 25/06/2013 +0200, Brian Bakker wrote:
On 25/06/2013 16:41, Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:31 25/06/2013 +0200, Brian Bakker wrote:
I received a document (OpenOffice format) from someone who edited it using Micros[of]t software and inserted notes into the document. However, I don't see those notes when I open the document in LibreOffice. I understand from the documentation that LibreOffice certainly does have an "advanced notes feature" ( - 10th paragraph) but can't find where to switch it on.

LibreOffice now calls these "comments".  Try View | Comments.

Found it. Thanks. Unfortunately, it's greyed out, which I presume means that LibreOffice isn't detecting the comments in the document. Am I right?

I think not. Now you need to tick Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | View | Display | Comments. Then the menu item should become active.

Brian Barker

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