You want to get all of the printers to work no matter what applications print to them? You have how many PCs on your network?

In another post you state there are 20 printers configured.

So far, I do not know of any easy way to setup 5, 10, or 20 users to have the same settings for LibreOffice, and add over 10 printers in the mix makes it worse.

How many of these printers have a display panel build in? I know that you can set the default paper types there. But you still need to setup the LO application to default to the printer.

Is there any way you can setup a default


hidden folder and place it on every PC running LO. If you create one that has no user info in it, you should be able to copy it to the other Debian-based PCs. Windows users would be harder.

To be honest, I have only about 6 systems configured for, currently, three network printers. Two systems are dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows laptops.

But it seems you are wanting to set up many printers to the Postscript instead of PDF on several computers.

Sorry, but there is no easy way to do this.

As I said, you can use the LO Printer Administration application listed in the same menu as LibreOffice. That will be the easiest way to work on all of the printers that that computer has access to. Click on the printer and the Properties button. Go to the "Device" option and change the "printer language type" of the selected printer. That is the only way I know how to do it easily for all the printers that that computer has access to.

Then if you did not set up any information in the

Tools / Options / LibreOffice / User Data

that is only for that system, then you may have the "generic" ".config/libreoffice" information that could be copied to the other Debian-based computers you are using on your network. By replacing the original file with this "generic one" you should have all of the systems setup the same way. The only issue might be if you are running both 32-bit and 64-bit Debian-based systems on your network.

Of course I am assuming that you are not the only one on the network with 20 printers to do your bidding.

On 07/23/2013 10:09 AM, Jean Milot wrote:

I search to set A4 paper size only in LibreOffice because i have set in my printserver CUPS the option A4.

In France, we use this paper size. If the paper size is US Letter in LO, i doesn't work.

I would like that the settings would be done for all the users.

I use Debian squeeze with Trinity Desktop.



2013/7/23 Kracked_P_P---webmaster < <>>

    On 07/23/2013 08:55 AM, Jean Milot wrote:


        I search how  to :

        - configure all the printers with A4 by defaulr
        - configure all the printers with postcript level and not PDF

        And somebody know why with CUPS, i need to reload the printers

        "Fichier " -> "Paramètrage de l'imprimante"
        ( "FIle" -> Printer setting )

        Thanks for your help.

        I work on debian with CUPS on an other server.

        LO : last version



    Are you trying to set these printer defaults for LibreOffice only,
    or for all printer?

    I assume you are using Debian based system, like Ubuntu or Mint,
    if not Debian itself. I use Ubuntu 12.04 and LO 4.0.4.

    For my system, I would go to

    Applications / Office / Printer Administration

    Then set the printer defaults there.
    See if that helps.

    Since you use a printserver, it seems, on a system you do not have
    control of, there are not as many options.

    You are in a region of the world that uses A4 paper size, right?
     Why would the printers be setup as that size by default?

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