Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example below:

Level   Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
1        Chapter 3:             Chapter
2         3.2-                  Heading 1
3          3.2.5-               Heading 2
4             Heading 3
5            (b)                none
6             Fig (3.12)        Fig Caption
7              (3.27)           Formula
8               Table (3.20)    Table Caption

As you can see in the example above the '3' in "Fig (3.12)", "(3.27)"
and "Table (3.20)" is the chapter number at level 1.

But in Writer->Tools->Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
(level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with "Show sublevels =
2" will be number of level 'n-1'.
Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as

Level   Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
1        Chapter 3:             Chapter
2         3.2-                  Heading 1
3          3.2.5-               Heading 2
4             Heading 3
5            (b)                none
6             Fig (b.12)        Fig Caption
7              (12.27)          Formula
8               Table (27.20)   Table Caption

How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
LO Writer?

On 07/25/2013 12:09 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
> Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer -> Tools -> Outline Numbering.
> As long as I know Tools -> Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
> somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
> But I need some features in formating of each level in Outline
> Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
> in MS Word -> Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
> of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
> by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
> (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
> way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
> I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
> Word like what you can see here:
> http://cybertext.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/word-2007-taming-multilevel-list-numbering/
> If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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