Ok Tom,
It's the partially translated template, I was speaking about.

Because of lack of time I only translated Chapter 1 and Chpater 2. I
also translated the used paragraph styles and put '_' in front of those
translated paragraph styles. (e.g. _Chpater, _Fig_Caption, etc.).
Some digits are still in Farsi. (۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰=1234567890)

As I described in the translated Chapter 2, the Numberings are
incorrect. You can see the incorrect numberings plus the expected
correct numberings above each Fig, Table or Formula.

The main reason for numberings being incorrect is
Tools->Outline_Numbering not being flexible enough.
If Tools->Outline_Numbering in LO Writer was as flexible as Multilevel
List Numberings of MS Word (as you can see in
this problem could be fixed.

After seeing this document if you still has any question about the
reason of this incorrect numberings in LO Writer, don't hesitate to ask.
Likewise, if you have any idea or possible solution I'll be more than
glad to know.

Sina Momken

On 07/25/2013 03:00 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
> Dear Tom, Thank you very very much for taking time trying to help me.
> The .doc file I'm currently working on is ~200 pages, is in Farsi
> language and is heavy enough that I think is not useful for you.
> I can share the university template too, but its main problem is that
> the template is mostly in Farsi and not understandable to others.
> But I'm sure that my problem is not because of the template or its language.
> So I'll translate the template to English (especially those parts of the
> template that are related to this problem), then I'll write an example
> with the translated template and I'll upload that example file. Using
> that example file you will exactly understand what is my problem. I
> guess that LO Writer UI doesn't support the exact Outline Numbering
> format that I want, or there is a trick or point that I don't know. But
> even if LO Writer doesn't support my requested feature, I believe there
> should be an alternative solution to make the same output, because the
> Outline Numbering format that I want is famous and is used in many other
> publications.
> Please wait, I'll make and upload the file and then post its link in
> reply to this message.
> On 07/25/2013 01:27 PM, Tom wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> Please could you "upload" the .doc template to Nabble so everyone can have a
>> look and see if we can modify it ourselves?  Is there anything confidential
>> in it that should not be displayed to the world-wide general public?  If so
>> then don't upload it!  
>> In Nabble start your reply and notice the "More" button just above where you
>> type the message of your reply.  The top option in the "More" button is to
>> upload a file in much the same way that you would for attaching a file to an
>> email.  
>> I think your formatting got messed up by the emailing system so it might be
>> better to just upload a file showing roughly how you want it although the
>> template might explain it fully enough.
>> Regards from 
>> Tom :)  
>> Sina Momken wrote
>>> Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example
>>> below:
>>> Level       Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
>>> 1    Chapter 3:             Chapter
>>> 2     3.2-                  Heading 1
>>> 3      3.2.5-               Heading 2
>>> 4            Heading 3
>>> 5        (b)                none
>>> 6         Fig (3.12)        Fig Caption
>>> 7          (3.27)           Formula
>>> 8           Table (3.20)    Table Caption
>>> As you can see in the example above the '3' in "Fig (3.12)", "(3.27)"
>>> and "Table (3.20)" is the chapter number at level 1.
>>> But in Writer->Tools->Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
>>> (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with "Show sublevels =
>>> 2" will be number of level 'n-1'.
>>> Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
>>> MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as
>>> below:
>>> Level       Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
>>> 1    Chapter 3:             Chapter
>>> 2     3.2-                  Heading 1
>>> 3      3.2.5-               Heading 2
>>> 4            Heading 3
>>> 5        (b)                none
>>> 6         Fig (b.12)        Fig Caption
>>> 7          (12.27)          Formula
>>> 8           Table (27.20)   Table Caption
>>> How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
>>> LO Writer?
>>> <snip />
>>>> In that template
>>>> (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
>>>> way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
>>>> I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
>>>> Word like what you can see here:
>>>> http://cybertext.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/word-2007-taming-multilevel-list-numbering/
>>>> If someone is professional in this issue please help me.
>> --
>> View this message in context: 
>> http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Customizing-Number-Format-of-each-level-in-Writer-Tools-Outline-Numbering-tp4067168p4067193.html
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