Dear Tom,

Thank you for reading my question and trying to help.

On 07/25/2013 01:17 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)  
> Sorry!  I couldn't find the section in the guides but you might find this 
> helpful
About the documentation and its chapter 12 I don't think it's useful for
me now.

> on a side issue you might find Chapter 12 interesting "Creating Tables
of Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies".  There is a
plug-in/add-on/Extension that might help with that, i think "Zotero"?
About Zotero, I currently use Zotero for making bibliography of my
thesis. It's very convenient to use, integrates very well with
LibreOffice and MS Word and is even better than its proprietary
equivalent "Endnote".

> How rigid is the template?  
> Can you create a fresh new Odt document in LibreOffice and follow the 
> guidelines of the template without having to copy&paste anything from their 
> template into your new document?  If there are bits you need to copy can you 
> use paste-special to paste as unformatted text?  
> Ctrl  Shift  v
> rather than just 
> Ctrl  v
About using the template I can say that using the .doc template is not
necessary and my university also has provided the TeX equivalent of that
template, but not .odt format. However also using the specific .doc or
.tex format is not necessary but my thesis must follow its guidelines
(e.g. The fonts and sizes of headers, body, figs, tables, etc.)
But fortunately I could successfully import and use the .doc template
and only some minor problems like what I'm asking about is still
present. Actually there is no need to create a new .odt file from
scratch because most of the things work well.

> A fresh start means you neatly avoid getting stuck with lots of legacy 
> formatting codes that might spring surprises on you randomly in the future.  
> It gives you more control over what you do.  
Even if I want to make a .odt specific version, I must be able to make
"Figure" and "Table" numberings with Chapter numbers in themselves. How
could I do that?

> If it is rigid and you can't just start afresh then it might be worth asking 
> the University if they could give you an OpenDocument Format (ODF, 
> specifically Odt) version rather than the proprietary one.  If not then 
> perhaps be insolent and ask them to buy and give you the product, that is 
> made by a foreign company, in order to be able to use their template.  
> Perhaps push further and ask them to supply it in a non-American 'local' 
> language.  
About access to an MS Office instance, I don't have any problem in
access to MS Windows, MS Office (the latest version) and many other Win
software. I even currently have them but I don't use them because first
my thesis needed some implementations in Linux, so it was hard to go
back and forth to Windows, and second I don't believe in
non-Free-Software at all.

> Errr, i am guessing you are outside of the USA because most of the world is.  
> Also i assumed that your native language is not English (US) because, again, 
> most of the world speaks other languages as their 1st language, even inside 
> the US.  
I live in Iran and believe it or not 99% of people here use the pirated
version of the latest applications for windows. But even in this
situation the trend to Free and Open Source Software is increasing and
many Iranian People (like me) are exclusively using FOSS software. This
increasing trend is usually because of the Freedom and Capabilities that
the FOSS applications and their community bring. It's not matter of
money (because we don't buy software here!); I use LO because I believe
in Free Software and the community around it.

> Also note that ODF is an ISO standard.  ISO meaning it is agreed by an 
> international agency made from people of many different nationalities.  While 
> DocX also has a version that is an ISO standard that is not the one 
> implemented in any version of MS Office so far because they all tweak it some 
> different way that is non-compliant with the standards.  
Actually the template I have is in .doc format not .docx. And
surprisingly LO Writer works very well with .doc format even better than
.docx format. I prefer to continue my work in .doc format because it
renders well enough in LO in addition to MS Word; But .odt format
doesn't represent well in MS Word. So it's safe for me to stay with .doc
so if I needed to go back to MS Word I would encounter less issues.

> Point out that you already have the necessary tools for the job but the only 
> reason you would have to buy product from a foreign company is to complete 
> this 1 task, the thesis.  The tools you already have do everything else 
> better.  
You are right, the tools I already have do everything better and it's
the main reason I don't go back to MS Word unless as the last solution.
But I think it's possible for me to complete my thesis using only LO
Writer and I believe the Outline Numbering problem can be solved. If I
become able to completely port the .doc template to LibreOffice, I'll
save it as .odt and I'll publish it on my website and also give it back
to my university for usage in the future.

> Regards from 
> Tom :)
>> ________________________________
>> From: Sina Momken <>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 8:39
>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Customizing Number Format of each level in 
>> "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"
>> Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer -> Tools -> Outline Numbering.
>> As long as I know Tools -> Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
>> somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
>> But I need some features in formatting of each level in Outline
>> Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
>> in MS Word -> Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
>> of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
>> by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
>> (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
>> way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
>> I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
>> Word like what you can see here:
>> If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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