Or, people have upgraded, have had problems, and are too disappointed to keep reporting them.

For example, as I reported before, LO properly loads the style list in the format it was in on the last close out. For me that is "hierarchical," my preferred way of displaying styles.

LO 4.0 went back to the "old" behavior of defaulting to another view setting.

LO 4.0.4 has really strange behavior. When a document loads with the style list, the notation at the bottom of the list *says* it's hierarchical (just as I wanted), but the actual list is not arranged hierarchically; it is arranged alphabetically. Admittedly, it's a minor irritation, but one that I didn't have with LO 3.6

As we now know, upgrades sometimes contain bug regressions. That being the case, an upgrade to LO 4 should politely leave LO 3.6 alone, so those of us who prefer the older version wouldn't have to reinstall it. AOO has done this; TDF should be able to as well.


-----Original Message----- From: Tom Davies
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:58 AM
To: dslie...@liessefamily.net ; users@global.libreoffice.org
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

Hi :)
'Fortunate' like 99.99% of people! Upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.0.x produced a startling lack of bump in traffic on this list, except old die-hards remarking on how well it went. The 4.1.0-beta gave more of a bump but still nothing like the start of a new branch used to produce here.

If we take the ancient figure of 60milion users (am i remembering correctly?) world-wide and that this is the international list and gets emails from Japan, India, Iran, even New Zealand and all around the globe i think we can safely say that
1.  not so many are upgrading and/or
2. not many are having troubles of course there is another possiblity but LO usage seems to be growing rapidly, not dwindling!

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Dave Liesse <dslie...@liessefamily.net>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 18:51
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

Thanks, Andrew; I hadn't noticed this before.  My LO 3.4 directory is
still present, but practically empty.  This is NOT good behavior if the
user is not notified first.  I'll be sure to go back and find your
earlier message and save it, for future use.  When there's an upgrade
(as opposed to a patch), I want the ability to test it before abandoning
my old software.  Guess I'm fortunate not to have had issues going from
3.4 to 4.0!


On 7/24/2013 08:13, Andrew Brown wrote:
Hi Virgil

You have observed correctly. I have just done a test of installing two
version of AOO under Windows 7, and quite correctly, it installs it's
own local cache/store of settings, per version, thus allowing two
copies to work side by side, as long as you create two distinct
install folders (by default I never allow any installing program's
defaults in Windows 7, many known issues with virtual links to folders
etc). And correct in your observation, as well as my earlier supplied
info, LO does not do this, rather opting for a single user settings
store, detecting another install of LO, and uninstalling it, before
installing the upgrade (or possible downgrade). But this is not a bad
thing though, as covered by other respondees.

The link I supplied in my earlier email shows one how to overcome this
issue of LO and a universal store, allowing for two versions
simultaneous and operational on Windows 7.



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