
Using LibreOffice Calc –

 Have a fairly simple spreadsheet (just data, no formulas)


   Column A – Date (e.g., 5.17 = May 17)

   Columns B thru E – percentages (range between -6 and +2)

   Column F – whole numbers (range between 1450 and 1600)

 Want to generate a chart (using wizard - and manual tweaking as needed)


   Chart type – Line – Points and lines (easy to read)

   First row as label + First column as label

 Note the initial results


   DJI shows changes by date

   Other numbers (percentages) are so small they are scrunched into virtual

   OK – looks like we need 2 Y axes (one for percentages; one for DJI)

 Finish initial draft


   Title – Performance of JFT IRAs + joint account

   Subtitle – Compared to TRP benchmarks + DJI

   X axis – date

   Y axis – % lead

   Display legend – Bottom

 Change primary Y axis (to display percentages)


   double click on Y Axis

   adjust Scale settings

   uncheck Automatic for first 3 settings

      Minimum -6

      Maximum 2

      Major interval 1

   we now see interesting chart for the 4 percentage columns (by date)

   (optional) drag chart to below data, pull bottom right corner to I,50
   (one page on my printer)

 Can we get DJI onto same chart by fiddling with Secondary Y axis?

 From menu bar


   Insert – Axes

   Secondary axes – Y axis

 Change secondary Y axis (attempting to display DJI)


   double click on Secondary Y axis

   adjust Scale settings

   uncheck Automatic for first 3 settings

      Minimum 14500

      Maximum 16000

      Major interval 300

 DJI line not shown. What else is required to display DJI data on same

Attached should be 2 Calc spreadsheets...

- jft_ira_performance_graph_data_DJI.ods (just the raw numbers)

- jft_ira_performance_graph_0809_DJI.ods (with half-baked chart)

Thanks for any comments or suggestions.


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