Never mind... got it figured out.

Click on a line on the chart to make the Data Series dialog appear


   Options – Align data series to

      Primary Y axis … OR

      Secondary Y axis

The first trick was to make the DJI line appear, by fiddling with the
Primary Y axis, then was able to align that data series with the Secondary
Y axis. Was able to get the desired chart (also changed Line display for
the DJI to make the chart easier to read).



On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Jim Thompson <> wrote:

> Greetings!
> Using LibreOffice Calc –
>  Have a fairly simple spreadsheet (just data, no formulas)
>    -
>    Column A – Date (e.g., 5.17 = May 17)
>    -
>    Columns B thru E – percentages (range between -6 and +2)
>    -
>    Column F – whole numbers (range between 1450 and 1600)
>  Want to generate a chart (using wizard - and manual tweaking as needed)
>    -
>    Chart type – Line – Points and lines (easy to read)
>    -
>    First row as label + First column as label
>  Note the initial results
>    -
>    DJI shows changes by date
>    -
>    Other numbers (percentages) are so small they are scrunched into
>    virtual invisibility
>    -
>    OK – looks like we need 2 Y axes (one for percentages; one for DJI)
>  Finish initial draft
>    -
>    Title – Performance of JFT IRAs + joint account
>    -
>    Subtitle – Compared to TRP benchmarks + DJI
>    -
>    X axis – date
>    -
>    Y axis – % lead
>    -
>    Display legend – Bottom
>  Change primary Y axis (to display percentages)
>    -
>    double click on Y Axis
>    -
>    adjust Scale settings
>    -
>    uncheck Automatic for first 3 settings
>     -
>       Minimum -6
>       -
>       Maximum 2
>       -
>       Major interval 1
>        -
>    we now see interesting chart for the 4 percentage columns (by date)
>    -
>    (optional) drag chart to below data, pull bottom right corner to I,50
>    (one page on my printer)
>  Can we get DJI onto same chart by fiddling with Secondary Y axis?
>  From menu bar
>    -
>    Insert – Axes
>    -
>    Secondary axes – Y axis
>  Change secondary Y axis (attempting to display DJI)
>    -
>    double click on Secondary Y axis
>    -
>    adjust Scale settings
>    -
>    uncheck Automatic for first 3 settings
>     -
>       Minimum 14500
>       -
>       Maximum 16000
>       -
>       Major interval 300
>  DJI line not shown. What else is required to display DJI data on same
> chart?
> Attached should be 2 Calc spreadsheets...
> - jft_ira_performance_graph_data_DJI.ods (just the raw numbers)
> - jft_ira_performance_graph_0809_DJI.ods (with half-baked chart)
> Thanks for any comments or suggestions.
> Jim

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