save the original as docbook and use pandoc to convert to epub or epub3
and compare ;-)

On 8/15/13 7:20 AM, Joaquín Lameiro wrote:
> Hi again.
> OK. I've been through the eLAIX extension and found it works quite well. I 
> have successfully exported the first chapter of the Getting started with LO 
> 4.0 guide (the one titled "Introducing LibreOffice"). Main problems I had 
> were:
> - eLAIX doesn't like custom styles for headings, I had to change the headings 
> to the standard values. I didn't gave them the properties the original 
> document headings had (fonts, colour, etc.) but it could be easily done. It's 
> probably useless, though, because most readers would ignore this settings. I 
> think Virgil had problems with customized styles with the writer2epub 
> extension too.
> - The first item on the lists would display different from the rest, because 
> two different custom styles were used to create lists in this ODT: one for 
> the first item and another for the rest of the list. Don't know why, but just 
> giving standard list style to all solved the problem.
> - For some reason I don't understand, but may be something regarding frames, 
> eLAIX failed to export the images embedded in the document. I solved this by 
> extracting the "Pictures" folder from the ODT file (I used 7-zip) and then 
> eliminating each image from the original document and inserting it again via 
> the macro provided by eLAIX itself to insert pictures. Then, the images were 
> properly exported.
> - eLAIX creates its own index, so I eliminated the ODT index.
> - When opening the epub file in my reader, I found a weird thing about the 
> "figure" fields. These are auto-numeric fields used in the captions that 
> follow images, like, let's say: "Figure 1, LibreOffice starting window". The 
> number here is introduced as a field (which is wise if one doesn't want to 
> keep on updating the captions manually). Well, my reader marked these as 
> links that linked to the beginning of the epub. This is not solved in my 
> export. Rough solution, to eliminate the field and work the captions manually.
> So, my experience with eLAIX is that it would do a pretty good job, but it 
> would take some time and effort. By the way, is there a method to make Writer 
> select all the text with a specific style so then one can change the style of 
> similar headings at a time? It will reduce a lot of work just to tell Write: 
> "take all the text styled as OOoHeader1 and change it into Header 1."
> Now, there is another much easier way to export ODT into EPUB, specially if 
> they are well built, like is the case with the LO documentation: to pass them 
> through the calibre ( ) converter. I checked this 
> with the full Getting Started Guide. It took to it quite an hour and a half 
> in this laptop I'm using (which is not the most powerful one in the world) 
> and it gave a reasonably good EPUB. Just two main problems:
> - It changes page with each new chapter or sub-chapter, so the epub has more 
> pages than the ODT, and all the references in the original text (go to page 
> x") make no sense, though the links will still link to the good place. Same 
> thing for the numbers of page in the index. Maybe this can be fixed through 
> calibre's configuration, I haven't tried that.
> - Some frames are rendered in a way that they don't fit in the reader's 
> screen, so they remain partially illegible.
> Both these problems could be solved by editing the ODT prior to the calibre 
> exportation, eliminating the numbers of page in the references and the index 
> and making the frames smaller.
> Conclusion: eLAIX could do the job, is more flexible and works as a part of 
> Writer. Calibre will do a more quick and less accurate work, and is 
> third-party software, not related to LibreOffice. Still, if one just uses the 
> exporting tools of eLAIX and calibre without any previous editing of the ODT 
> files, calibre will come with a much better epub than eLAIX.
> But all of this means nothing if you don't check the epubs by yourselves. How 
> can I share them? I'm not sure that attaching them to a mail to this list 
> would be the appropriate way. I wait for your comments.
> Regards,
> Joaquín

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