At 01:23 06/10/2013 +0100, Brian Grainger wrote:
Trying to download and install the latest Windows version of LibreOffice from a machine in the UK running Windows 7 and Internet Explorer. Using the standard process for downloading from the download page the LibreOffice install file came as a *.MAN file. Clearly this would not install. When I changed the filename to *.msi it would install.

I can confirm this - also from the UK but using Windows XP (and IE8). Note that LibreOffice installation files are provided from mirrors and since the problem is at the mirror site it will be the case that other users may well be redirected to other mirrors and may not experience the same problem. The mirror site offered to me is, which appears to be located in the UK; its contact address is in Aldershot. Perhaps you were offered the same. offers LibreOffice_4.1.2_Win_x86.msi - but the download process renames the file with a .man extension and describes it as "Unknown File Type".

This is presumably the same problem as , which suggests that needs to add
AddType application/octet-stream .msi
to its .htaccess file.

Thinking this was a problem with Internet Explorer I tried again with the Opera browser on my own system. Exactly the same thing happened. Even though the link looked like an .msi file it actually came as a .MAN file!

Yes: it's a server problem, not a browser one.

I am letting you know so you can address what I consider is a serious fault and obstruction to getting users to switch to LibreOffice from other Office software.

Could some helpful person with the right sort of account please report this as a bug at the LibreOffice site? Meanwhile I may contact directly.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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