At 13:06 06/10/2013 -0400, James Knott wrote:
Brian Barker wrote:
Could some helpful person with the right sort of account please report this as a bug at the LibreOffice site? Meanwhile I may contact directly.

Go to the LO site and place your mouse pointer over the link. What file name shows up at the bottom of the browser? What file name shows up in the download panel? As I mentioned earlier, I downloaded and installed the latest version without that problem, I used Firefox, on Windows 7, to download it from

Thanks for this, but you haven't understood (or read?) what I wrote.

The main link, although it names the file to be downloaded, is merely to the donation page. The actual download is provided by a mirror site, and these are very probably geographically selected, so the questioner and I - both in the UK - may well be using the same one, but you - in Canada - will very probably not. You will not see any problem that exists on the UK mirror server. In any case, the file name on the UK mirror server is still correct: that is not the problem. Instead, what appears to be a minor configuration error on that server means the file format is misunderstood by browsers (yes: plural) and the file is consequently renamed in the download process.

The earlier case I referred to - with an earlier version on a Romanian mirror site - was recognised as genuine and attended to.

Oh, and I have now alerted directly.

Brian Barker

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