You know, this has been bothering me for a while, but I've never brought it up:
Why are our color options (for font color, highlight, table
background, etc.) so limited?

I confess, I know diddley about C++, but how hard would it be to get a
color wheel,
or some other means of choosing colors, say like available in Tk
(tkinter, tcl/tk, etc.
like shown here: You can even
enter a hexcode.)
that would give us broader options?

Should I make a feature request?
Has nobody else never thought of this?
Or am I missing something, and we have broader options than I think
(we have 112 colors to choose from for fonts, 6 of which are white).
Maybe a plugin using tcl/tk or python/tkinter wouldn't be too hard to make?
(I've played with tcl/tk and python/tkinter, but never trying to make something
to work with a larger project as a plugin, so not sure how that works).

I love my LO (and OOo before it), but this has long occured to me as a
glaring oversight, or something.
Frankly, having not used any proprietary office suite for more than 5
minutes in the past decade,
I don't know what options they have for such features, but it seems to me that
it would be better to have more flexibility in this regard, and it
shouldn't be overly complex
to implement (unless I'm sorely mistaken).

translations, interpreting, localization
and multilingual web design

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