At 17:45 27/11/2013 -0800, Peter West wrote:
It's a bug, or, if you prefer, a missing vital feature.

It's a feature - and I don't think it's missing, in fact.

The problem: If you have a document filled with paragraph formatting which has been applied directly using a paragraph style menu, any styles you define and apply as a style will be overridden by the direct formatting previously applied. There is no way that I have found to remove it, except by a manual change using the paragraph style menu. That fixes my problem, but passes the same problem on to the next person who wants to change the paragraph styling.

I fear that paragraph is somewhat confused. There is direct character formatting, character style formatting, paragraph formatting, and paragraph style formatting - all different. To confuse things further, you can apply character formatting or character style formatting to an entire paragraph. If you really do solve your problem using a new paragraph style (and I'm not clear why you would call this a "manual change"), I think you have left your document in an ideal state for later modification by yourself or others.

How to fix it: Add Format menu items "Clear all paragraph/character(/list?) formatting." It doesn't actually remove all formatting, but applies a default format which clear all the problem formats and allows a style to be cleanly applied.

You don't need to clear any style formatting, as any modifications to these styles or replacements by other styles will simply supersede existing effects. What can be a problem is any local ("direct") character formatting which may have been applied - perhaps even (confusingly) to complete paragraphs. (This is the way that a beginner will format his or her documents.) But no-one needs to add any menu items: what you need is already there, at Format | Default Formatting (or right-click | Default Formatting or Ctrl+M). If you invoke this and then apply your new styles, everything should be hunky-dory.

List formatting is such a delicate matter that I don't know whether a clear all list formatting operation would cause more trouble than it's worth.

Any proper list formatting (applied using styles) should survive the application of Default Formatting, which is what you would want.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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