At 05:25 28/11/2013 -0800, Peter West wrote:
Here's an earlier post from Pablo Dotro:
If you apply some direct formatting (i.e. bold something by hand), then apply some charactery style, then a paragraph style (with the format you really wanted in the first place)... what you get is a mix of applied formatting that almost never corresponds to the style you wanted. If you clear the direct formatting there, it does not reset completely. You have to also remove the applied character style to get the text to respond completely to the paragraph style.
It's annoying, but It could be considered a feature, not a bug ;-)

That's the case I'm talking about. I've struck it as well. I suspect it might be tied up with list style interactions, but I can't be sure. I certainly ran into it in an imported .doc converted to .odt. (Not a very complex document, with few styles and lots of "hand" formatting, spaces and newlines.)

There is, in fact, another 'clear formatting' option. If you open the style list pull-down, and scroll to the very top, there is a "Clear formatting" option, which behaves very differently from the "Clear direct formatting ^M" option. It does seem to perform a pretty radical paragraph formatting reset. However, as I no longer have access to the intermediate forms of the file I was working on, I can't test to see whether it solves the problem.

I still don't understand why you consider any of this a difficulty. If you have a mixture of direct formatting along with character and paragraph styles, you may well wish to remove some parts of it, but not all. So it's useful to have more than one facility. Surely you would expect to need to remove the different parts of applied formatting separately - and delight that you were able to do so selectively.

As far as I can see:

o Format | Default Formatting removes both direct formatting (to characters or paragraphs) and formatting by character styles.

o The Apply Style drop-down applies paragraph styles, so you'd expect "Clear formatting" there to reset the paragraph style to Default - and it does. But it also does the same as Format | Default Formatting as well.

I suspect that at least part of the problem here is that it is sometimes difficult to see - especially with an inherited document - exactly how formatting has been applied and consequently how it might be removed.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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