Marco wrote:

... because nobody, including many FOSS advocates, bothers enough
to demand open file formats?

My guess is that those of us who use LO in general, and those of us on this list, in particular, are a little more computer savvy than the typical office worker using MS-Office. When sharing files with others, if I were to demand that they send it to me in an .ODT format, they would first question what the #$%^ I was talking about. They would then not have a clue of how to get it there, claim they don't have the time to learn how to do it, and finally wonder why in heavens name I would be asking for such a goofy file format when *everybody* uses MS. I believe standards are determined by what users actually use, and right now, it appears that most users are using MS. Thus, it remains incumbent upon us in the minority who know how to create DOC files to accommodate our less knowledgeable colleagues.

So, my computer has Office (Starter version), LO *and* WordPerfect, so I can talk to just about anybody.


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