At 06:15 05/12/2013 -0800, Txerra Noname wrote:
I already have the images embedded. I didn't know how to see it, but with your help I see that are not linked. Anyway, I tried again but doesn't work.

Well, it's difficult to guess what else might be happening.

o Are your correspondents using LibreOffice (or OpenOffice) to view your documents? If so, in order to see the images they will need to have ticked the setting at Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | View | Display | Graphics and objects.

o Are you distributing the documents in LibreOffice's native .odt format or in some other format? What application(s) are your correspondents using to view them?

o If your correspondents do not need to edit your documents further, have you considered exporting as PDF (File | Export as PDF...) and distributing those documents instead?

Brian Barker

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