Hi :)
Ahh, nicely done Mark! :)  I wasn't looking forwards to trying to
address each separate issue.  I can't seem to figure out how to
intersperse replies like that and rarely ever want to anyway.  It's
excellent for things like this though :)

Also thanks for mentioning that we are almost all volunteers giving
"peer led" advice.  It reminded me of the shock i got when i first
started using mailing-lists/forums for advice.  Before that i had only
ever used telephone support which inevitably only gets 1 person's
opinion or tries to follow a script that i rarely fit into.  I found
it interesting to get such different viewpoints and inevitably at
least 1 would be a huge help.  On the one hand it was a shock to get
such rude answers so often and it sometimes felt like that 1 person
was speaking for the whole mailing-list but then someone else would
appear with a completely different attitude.  On the other hand people
seem more interested in solving the problems and discussions even
sometimes run on long after the case is closed.  All VERY different
from typical telephone where they have to just close the tickets fast.

Hopefully we have been able to help David solve most of his issues now
but i think there are probably at least a couple things still lurking
or that need further explanation.  Also it would be good to get some
of his advice forwarded to the marketing list.  Other people have
expanded on or added some points.  It's best done by the "original
poster" but would be good if those other people could help support him
on that list.  In the past i have tried to represent people's issues
from this list but that got me the reputation of being a troll over
there.  They wanted proof the issues had been raised by other people
and when i gave proof they attacked me for posting too much
unnecessary traffic.  So, it's better if the original poster, David,
raises the issues but then he might need some support from people

Anyway.  David, if you need us to elaborate on any advice given so far
then please let us know.  It's great if you can let us know how you
get on anyway, especially since you seem to be solving the problems
now.  Further questions are probably best posted as fresh new emails
to this mailing list rather than trying to "reply to all" and then
editing the subject-line.  When i have a problem I tend to find it
best to ask questions first and then hit the books and google-it etc,
if i find the answer first then i post the answer to the list to let
people know it's solved.  It usually takes people a few hours to
respond as we are all in different parts of the world.

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 9 January 2014 21:58, Mark Bourne
<libreoffice-ml.mbou...@spamgourmet.com> wrote:
> David M. Pelly wrote:
>> Hello Libre office Foundation,
> Just for information, most people on this mailing list are other users
> helping each other out, so you may get several replies with different ideas.
> Most of us aren't associated with LibreOffice in any official sense, just
> trying to help others out ;o)
>> I am using Libre office on  Windows XP.
>> Firefox is my preferred browser.
>> I am not a techie.
> ...
>> The present problem is:
>> Some how,  ( I think it is when I open or start up my computer,) I get a
>> pop up that there is a Libre office update.
>> So I  click  to get the update.
>> I get a webpage with two green buttons:
>> Without
>>   going back there to that site to see what it actually exactly  says,
>> because I forget what they are exactly, but what ever they are, they are
>>   confusing, especially to a non techie, non geek.
>> I think one button says it  is a  downloader or installer.
>> The other is something else. ( It does not say, update software.)
> When I click to open the webpage with the updates, the two download options
> I see are labelled "Main installer" and "LibreOffice built-in help". Is that
> what you see? The first is the main program, the second provides the
> LibreOffice Help, available from the "Help" menu, which is optional.
>> That appears to mean that I need to use two functions.
>> One to download an installer first.
>> Then
>>   another one is required  to download the actual update software to the
>> installer, so the installer can install the software in my   Libre
>> office program.
> If you want to update both the main program and the built-in help, you need
> to download and run both installers. But to just update the main program you
> only need the first. As with any downloaded software, you do need to run the
> installer after downloading it.
>> It does not say that, but it seems to imply that.
>> (Your
>>   products assume ( and take for granted)  that the user knows almost as
>> much as the actual designers and program developers. )
>> Now I landed up clicking on some buttons, and there was no windows telling
>> me what was happening.
>> As far as I thought at the time, I  did not get the update. I was ticked
>> off.
> That sounds like the behaviour of recent versions of Firefox - rather than a
> separate window showing the download progress, it just shows a green arrow
> at the right-hand end of the toolbar, with a narrow bar just below
> indicating how far through the download it is. You can click that green
> arrow to see the list of files you've downloaded, and open/run them (you
> need to run the installer after downloading it).
> ...
>> So I went back to my work on my Libre office program.
>> And I still see the green something in the upper right hand corner.
>>   I click on it and it says there are updates for Libre.
>> So therefore I thought  I did not get the updates.
> Perhaps you just downloaded the installer, and didn't run it to actually
> install the update. Or maybe the update failed for some reason (were there
> any error messages when running the installer?)
>> So I click on it and a window pops up and says that I have the
>> version.
>> I think that is the new update version. (Maybe I am wrong.)
> Does it not also tell you that the latest available version is? By
> coincidence, is the same version I currently use, and when I
> clicking the update button in LibreOffice it says:
>   LibreOffice 4.1.4 is available.
>   The installed version is LibreOffice
> So there is a newer version available (which I haven't bothered to install
> yet).
> ...
>> I just thought of another problem/ suggestion:
>> Why don't you include an "undo"  feature on the  "right click"  window?
>> That should be common sense.
> I'm not a developer, but just a guess... looking at the options which /are/
> in the right-click (context) menu, they're all things which would affect the
> document at the point you clicked. Undo wouldn't - it would affect wherever
> the last change was. Why would you need undo on the right-click menu anyway?
> It's under the Edit menu, or you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z.
>> Another one:
>> Some
>>   how when I was doing a lot of work on libre office,  I landed up with
>> some solid lines running across my page, which I cannot delete or
>> remove?
>> Why?
>> How can I remove them?
> That sounds like a border applied to the paragraph either above or below the
> line. Assuming that's what's happened, to get rid of it:
> - Right-click in the paragraph immediately above the line
> - Click the "Paragraph..." option from the context menu
> - Click the "Borders" tab
> - Click the far-left square of the row just below the "Line arrangement"
> label to get rid of all the borders
> - Click OK
> If that didn't work, try the same again but starting with right-click on the
> paragraph immediately /below/ the line.
> As for how it got there, I'm guessing you typed a line containing nothing
> but several "-" or "*" followed by Enter (some other characters may have a
> similar effect). This is a feature to make it quick to insert these borders
> when you want them. Personally I don't find it very helpful; if I type
> several dashes on a line it's usually because I want several dashes on a
> line, not a border! To disable that option to stop it happening:
> - Click the "Tools" menu, the "AutoCorrect Options..."
> - Click the "Options" tab
> - Look down the list for "Apply border", and if there's a tick next to it
> click the tick to clear the box
> - Click OK
>> Another suggestion:
>> When
>>   I am getting to the maximum data capacity of the  libre window I am
>> working in,  you should have an indicator pop up that tells the user
>> that  that  particular widow is reaching  it's maximum capacity  and
>> telling the user to begin a new document.
> I'm not sure about that one. I've never reaches any limit, but then I don't
> work on particularly large documents. What type of document is this (e.g.
> Writer, or Calc, etc.)? What happens when you do reach this limit? Someone
> else on this mailing list might have suggestions on handling large
> documents...
>> And
>>   also have  a clearly visible button for the user to send "suggestions
>> for improvements"  or to report problems with libre office?
> It's probably worth discussing on this mailing list first, as it may be that
> the suggestion is already included but not quite where you expected, or that
> someone can help you solve the problem you're having.
> If you do need to report a suggestion (enhancement) or problem (bug), under
> the "Help" menu is an option to "Send feedback...". That opens a web page
> with a few feedback options, two of which are "Create a bug report" (for
> reporting problems with the software, or the web site) and "File an
> enhancement request" (for suggesting improvements). Both options take you to
> a page about submitting bugs, which I can see is slightly confusing - the
> same system is used for keeping track of both bugs and enhancement requests.
> Perhaps a feature request to make that clearer is in order ;o)
>> I hope I have explained my self sufficiently well, so  that you understand
>> what I mean.
> I hope I've understood correctly. I've left out a few bits I couldn't
> answer, but others may be able to help there.
>> And I am sure there are other problems that I do not know of or don't
>> remember.
> If you do come across any others, you know where to come - just send another
> email to users@global.libreoffice.org describing the problem you're having,
> and hopefully someone here can help.
>> David Pelly
>> Canada
> Mark.
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