Note to the list admin: 

You need to put in a "Reply-To:" (maybe it's "Reply To:") header specifying 
this list so that members who politely use "Reply" will send their replies to 
the list. Use of "Reply All" is often considered rude netiquette and ought not 
to be forced on people.

======= Now on to the topic at hand

Being that this is an English language list and that the OP posted in 
Italian(?) [which was nicely translated for us by someone else] I'm wondering 
whether the OP is understanding the discussion.

That said, I'm wondering if what is being displayed is 31 Dec, 1 Jan, 2 Jan, 3 
Jan, … 30 Jan. This could be caused by displaying one value for each date in 
the month but starting with day zero instead of one.

Just a thought …


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