This sent to me off-list.

No further comment required.

On 5/02/2014 12:24 am, Anthony Baldwin wrote:
On 2/4/2014 2:59 AM, Peter West wrote:
Why is, do you think, that people feel the need to apologise on this
very list for bottom-posting? Because of my ad-hominem attacks? It must
be, because all the bottom-posters on this list are angels of
forbearance, while all the top-posters are repeatedly admonishing
bottom-posters to please, please, top-post.

Fellas, look in the mirror.

I will never apologize for proper behavior on mailing lists.

I don't waste time correcting those who top-post.
As Mark Twain said,
"Never try to teach a pig to whistle;
it wastes your time and annoys the pig."


-- Peter West "...and a sword will pierce through your own soul also..."

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