thanks Kracked ,
concerning the issue I'm reporting here , I don't try to open the ODF document inside the browser window (I guess the add-on you refer to work in this way) but I guess there is a call from the browser to the default program defined in windows for the specific extension or type of file. In all the browser , clicking on the web link in the document , automatically libreoffice is opened and show the content of the document (writer for ODT,calc for ODS and Impress for ODP). In fact also IE like the other browser start Libreoffice , but for some reason it "freeze" its process without open nothing on the screen (I said "freeze" because also if I manually open LO I can't close it in any way until I close IE, so something could be blocked between the 2 app). The same kind of files ODF are correctly opened if I install OpenOffice Instead Libreoffice , for that reason I suspect there is something Libreoffice could do like openoffice does and in this case there's nothing to do on IE side. Ofcourse this is only my opinion but I don't have a so higher skill to be sure to know where the problem comes. Anybody can confirm this issue with windows xp , 7 , 8 and any version of IE ?
thanks to all.

Il 19/02/2014 18:28, Kracked_P_P---webmaster ha scritto:

I really think that most of the non-IE browsers have an add-on to read the ODF content. Not always well, but it works.

Maybe there might be an add-on for IE in their download/add-on system to display content. I do not know if IE will display MS document formats either.

I stick with Firefox, since I have less trouble with it and I can add on a lot of "security" options from their add-on and extension pages. Sometimes you can find these add-ons, or links to them, from the parent software sites. I have many add-ons to FF that came from links while installing a specific package or three. I look for them.

IT just make sense to have things like displaying document content in your browsers. PDF is one of the ones that I use a lot. I view it in the browser [FF] and then decide if I want to save it to my disc[s].

I wonder how hard it would be to create on for IE for displaying ODF content, like FF and others do.

On 02/19/2014 10:40 AM, Bertella Gianmarco wrote:
Hi Tom , thks for your answer . I do all my test on PCs with IE and windows always updated to the latest patch released by MS.
I agree with you about your opinion about MS.
Unfortunately this kind of issue seems to affect many users that don't want change their browser (sometimes I'm talking of very basic users that are scared to use new program or don't have a knowdledge to install and use new browser ... other times could be medium size enterprise where the user are forced to use IE for specific application and prefer to haave only one browser and not one for app...). The strange thinks is that the problem don't arise with Openoffice and that's strange . If libreoffice would try to be the best opesource office suite and replace MSO also in medium enterprise I think it need to avoid at least this basic fault. Ofcourse what I said is valid if confirmed that this is a bug and I'm not doing wrong things. I will wait someone else that could confirm or not this issue. I guess not specific installation , any version of Win with IE could already give me more details.
Thanks Tom

Il 19/02/2014 15:53, Tom Davies ha scritto:
Hi :)
Given that Firefox, Chrome and Opera were fine on your system i really
wouldn't bother too much about MS's ones not working.  You know they
have a vested interest in making sure those sorts of things don't work

OTH if other people could have a look that might be good, to see if
the problem can be confirmed.

IE just had several large security updates in the past month or so.
Is yours fully updated or does it reflect the way many users seem to
prefer it (ie with widely known, gaping security-issues in addition to
all the gaping holes reported by under 10,000 corporate users)?

Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 February 2014 14:34, Bertella Gianmarco
<> wrote:
Dear all , I can't open from any web pages (https or http) any link to a ODT/ODS/ODP document using IE8 or IE11 (I guess the same for IE 10 and 9 but I don't have a PC with them) on windows platform running Win7 PRO sp1
32bit or Win 7 enterprise 64bit , XP pro sp3.
This happens for example trying to open a libreoffice documentation to the page or any other link
found on google that address ODx documents.
When I click on it I got a popup asking to open or save the file. If I try to open it (without any Libreoffice app opened) but in this case apparently
nothing happens.
If I look at the programs running I can see that 2 Libreoffice process are
opened when I click on the web link.
I can then open manually LO , use it but I can't close it until I close the
IE  left after pressing on OPEN popup.
Nothing change if I set LO to stay opened at the startup in background nor
if I try to open the link with the LO application already opened.
I had the same issue on several PC using different version of LO 4.x
(verified on , , , ,
No issue if I use another browser (firefox,chrome,opera) or if I install
(standard setup) Openoffice 4.0.1 , it work immediately , and when I
uninstall OO and reinstall LO again the same issue.
Anybody else experienced this kind of issue ?
Can I do some other check to better identify where the problem could be and
possibly solve it ?
Thanks in advance

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