On 02/20/2014 11:03 PM, edo1 wrote:
sberg wrote
On 02/19/2014 06:04 PM, edo1 wrote:
I saved a small (14 page) styled part of a large project as read-only

What exactly do you mean with "save as read-only"?

In windows: After the file is saved to some folder, go to that folder and
right-click (if you're right-handed) on the file name; choose "Properties"
and check off "read only" on the popup panel. SOP

So when you later "unchecked read-only and reopened the file" you changed the Windows file-system--level property again. But how did you reopen the file, was it still open and did you chose "Reload", or was it no longer open in LibreOffice in between? Because, when a file is not marked as read-only at the file-system--level, it should not open as read-only in LibreOffice.


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