At 23:26 24/03/2014 -0500, Dale Erwin wrote:
... the instructions for creating a master document. First you create a template which has all the styles defined in it. Then the master document and all subdocuments are created from this template. The only problem is that if changes to any style becomes necessary, I've not found any way to make the changes in one place and have them take effect in all files which were already created before the changes were made.

I don't think you generally need to do this. It's surely not important to be able to see any such changes in the subdocuments: what matters is only how the final (master) document appears. If your structure is right and you change the styles in the master document, you should have all that you need.

Up to now, I've had to make such changes in the template as well as in each file which has already been created from the template.

Unless you are going to create further subdocuments (and possibly not even then), there is no point in changing the template, I think. But if you do, you get a chance to update documents created from the template to use any modified styles when you next open those documents, so you should not need to make changes "as well as in each file" - only perhaps to open those files, accept the offer, and re-save them.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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