I'm using a mail client that doesn't differentiate between top level quotes and 
interleaved comments so my comments are in brackets [like this]. 

I mark snips like this:

Editorial comment: I _hate_ having to edit addressing in order to post a reply 
to a mailing list! :-<

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com>
To: Italo Vignoli <italo.vign...@gmail.com>
Cc: "users@global.libreoffice.org" <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Sent: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 9:13
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MSO for iPad, big deal or big yawn

Hi :)
Getting "out there" first does count for a lot but it's not the final answer.

The advantages do lead to the idea of "release early and release
often".  AndrOO might not be great right now but at least it is "out
there" and attracting attention.  As a result it might "snowball" and
become better faster and faster as it attracts an increasing

[I actually do use it for a small (no pun) Calc application on my phone. It 
works satisfactorily. I'd rather be doing it on a 10" tablet but that's not in 
my financial reach at present.]

On the other hand initial reputation counts for a lot too
so the TDF approach is smart but all the smarter because AndrOO is out
there.  Without AndrOO the DTF approach would suffer the usual
problems of perfectionism.

Kingsoft Office is attracting a lot of attention but it's proprietary
and therefore limited.

[So is AndrOO. It uses AOO 4.3(?) for the office functionality but wraps it in 
a proprietary envelope.]

If they could OpenSource it then it might last
but at the moment it looks like it's only good for the short-term
until MS squish it.

[Being that KingSoft is a Chinese firm I'm less concerned about MS's ability to 
squish it than I am with China's government sabotaging it. It also doesn't 
support the .od* file formats.]

Having a ribbon-bar is a huge pull

[On a tiny screen this has a lot of appeal.[

If only we
had an Extension that gave users one!  As an Extension people wouldn't
have to use it and it wouldn't be the default.  Many of us still kinda
hate the ribbon but having it as an option would be smart.

[Hear, hear! Again, on a tiny screen it would be a great addition. KingSoft 
makes the ribbon hidable but easy to recall. This is good.]


As for Cloud versions there is already Google-docs but apparently the
various portable apps versions of LO could also be installed to a
Cloud and used anywhere.

[Personally I'm not a fan of the cloud. I want to possess my own copy of the 
software I use and to retain privacy for my data. But, "every man to his own 
tastes" aka YMMV.]


Regards from
Tom :)

[Thanks Tom.


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