Hi :)
There will be a lot of pranks and malware aimed at Xp users offering them
free upgrades and what-not.  Apparently it has already started.  Just
ignore them all.

Wrt "MS Security Essentials" best bet is to install AVG (apparently best of
the free anti-viruses (but according to who, right?)) or one of the many
other choices and after updating it and scanning your machine then
uninstall MS Essentials.  I just did this on the office machines last

As far as your Xp machine goes i would install a dual-boot there now too
and just try to avoid using Xp as much as posible on it.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS has 3 years worth of support remaining and was released 2
years ago in 2012.  The 14.04 LTS was released a couple of days ago so it
has only just started it's 5 years worth of support.  The 16.04 is due out
in 2016.

So, on your 12.04 you should get a notification letting you know you can
upgrade.  When/if you decline then you wont see it again for maybe a month,
when they release their first "Service Pack".

Generally i would go with Garvin's usual advice and hold off on upgrading
for a while.  I have just tried it on a couple of machines and it seems
kinda fine but i'm going to let them settle for a while before rolling it
out to all the rest.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 23 April 2014 13:42, Jay Lozier <jsloz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 04/23/2014 07:57 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
>> It's no secret that LO users tend to dislike M$. While I love LO, I've
>> tended to give M$ perhaps more benefit of the doubt than they deserve. I
>> still use Windows 7 on my laptop, although after many fits and starts, I
>> have finally succeeded in getting a true dual boot Ubuntu setup. I'm using
>> Ubuntu as much as I can to see just how much (or little) I still need
>> Windows.
>> But, last evening, M$ threw me a curveball that I found utterly
>> unacceptable. In addition to my laptop, I have a slightly older desktop
>> that runs Windows XP. In the last few says, the XP machine has been acting
>> *very* strangely. I've run RKill and virus scans, which have come up empty.
>> Then, I noticed a GREAT BIG RED "X" on my Security Essentials icon. I
>> clicked on it to read M$'s message: The OS is no longer supported (which I
>> knew) and, therefore, Microsoft Security Essentials will no longer work
>> properly (which I did not know). Ergo, my computer is now considered "at
>> risk." M$ was kind enough to provide a link to "End of Support Guidance."
>> To play along, I clicked the link and was taken to a M$ website. The
>> website suggested that I upgrade to Windows 8.1 at a cost of between $120
>> and $200 (personal vs. pro). But, it warned me that if my PC were too old,
>> then 8.1 wouldn't work. So, my other option? M$ suggests I buy a new PC.
>> The gall; buy a new PC because M$ chooses to no longer support the OS? No
>> thanks. They were also kind enough to provide a link where I could check to
>> see if my PC would run 8.1. Since I have no intention of purchasing 8.1, I
>> declined their offer to have my PC checked.
>> Of course, I have another option. Now that I'm growing more and more
>> comfortable with Ubuntu, I'll just install it on my desktop. While I still
>> have Windows 7 on my dual boot, I may go whole hog with the desktop and
>> completely blow off Windows... since M$ doesn't consider it worth their
>> time to support it anyway.
>> Now, I realize that the day will come when my Ubuntu 12.04LTS will no
>> longer be supported. But, there are a couple differences. First, Ubuntu
>> clearly states on its website when 12.04 support will expire, so I know
>> going in what I'm getting into. M$ gave me no such warning when I purchased
>> my XP machine years ago. Second, when 12.04LTS support goes by the wayside,
>> Ubuntu will have another *free* alternative available; and even if they
>> don't, there's always Debian, Mint, Mint Debian, OpenSuse, Puppy,
>> Slackware, Fedora, Puppy, Slax, and on and on.
>> Sorry M$ (and Urmas). While I have tried to avoid the M$ rage I've read
>> on this and other lists, your latest consumer disrespect has thrown me over
>> to the dark side.
>> Give me penguins.
>> Virgil
>>  +1
>> On 04/22/2014 02:43 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> Not quite.  It may have changed the name of the formats it uses twice but
>>> OOXML (the .docX etc) has at least 4 different versions including 3
>>> different "transitional" versions and all are apparently quite different
>>> from the version they managed to get accredited as an ISO format.
>>> The older format (.doc etc) also seem to vary considerably between each
>>> different version of MS Office.
>>> MS Office 2010 or 2013 often has problems opening documents created in MS
>>> Office 2007.
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>> On 22 April 2014 19:06, Urmas <davian...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  "anne-ology"       MSFT has been/is making their system(s) incompatible
>>>> with others in
>>>> order to reap a higher profit-margin  ;-(
>>>> For the last 23 years Microsoft Office has changed its format TWICE.
>>>> Meanwhile, Libreoffice cannot open its own documents from 2001.
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