Calc: By far the component I use the most. I use this regularly.
      Mostly small stuff, household finance spreadsheets, usage stats,
      bank statements, that sort of thing.

Writer: The second most used, although I seldom use this.

Impress: I have used this on a couple of occasions.

Base: I've only ever opened it for a quick look around.
      Being a programmer, I prefer to write my own. It may be past
      prejudice from the likes of Access, but I just can't feel
      comfortable using something like Base for anything; if the
      requirement is small, Base would be too much overhead, and if the
      requirement is large, then a custom application on top of a
      proper database would be a far better solution, more robust, more
      secure, more customised...

Draw: I've only ever opened it for a quick look around.
      I use other, custom drawing software when I need to edit stuff,
      like the Gimp, or Inkscape. Again, probably more just my personal
      prejudices, but I just don't view an office suit as a graphics


On Sun, 11 May 2014 17:53:46 -0400
Virgil Arrington <> wrote:

> I'm curious to find out what components of LO are used most by the 
> people on this list. I think it helps to know different folks' area
> of experience. It might also help us in learning new ways to
> integrate the different components. For myself, my approximate usage
> is:
> Writer     (85% of my use of LO)
> Calc        (10%)
> Impress  (3%, Maybe four to five presentations a year)
> Base       (once a year to print out labels for my Christmas cards)
> Draw      (What's that?)
> Virgil

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