When I translate your message from whatever to English (using a
computer program only),
           I don't understand your question;
         maybe someone who knows whatever language your using will respond.

       Have you checked to see if there is a list in a language you speak?

From: "andraž oblak" <oblakandra...@gmail.com>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 11:46:32 +0200
Subject: [libreoffice-users] ni podprto na drugih računalnikih

Imam naložen vaš program libre office in moram reči da sem z njim nasplošno
zelo zadovoljen.Ampak pri oporabi tega programa se pa pojavi neka težava ko
želim poslati preko programa libre office writer neko dadoteko preko gmaila
oz. bilo katere koli druge možnosti naslovniku napiše da ni podprto in ne
more odpreti.Ali se to težavo da kako rešiti za odgovor se vam v naprej
najlepše zahvaljujem.


translation: (via computer)

I have loaded your program libre office and I have to say that I am with
him in general
very zadovoljen.Ampak oporabi in this program, but a problem arises when I
want to send
through the program libre office writer a dadoteko via Gmail or
. were any other options to write the addressee is not supported and can
odpreti.Ali this problem that how to solve the answer you in advance

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