Brian Barker has written on 7/4/2014 8:11 PM:
> At 18:08 04/07/2014 -0400, Pikov Andropov wrote:
>>I have a list of names in column A. I would like to click something 
>>and produce a list of random pairs, say in col B.
>>For example, suppose I have
>>I click and get
>>Jack, Jill
>>Joe, Susan
>>Sam, Bill
>>I don't save the result, and the next tie I run it, I get
>>Sam, Jack
>>Bill, Joe
>>Susan, Jill
> What you are doing is really just shuffling your six names.

Well, actually, it's not. :-) I want to create a list of pairs from a
subset of the names in column A.

> o Do you want to retain the names in their original order in column 
> A? If so, copy the names to column B.
> o In column C, enter =RAND() and fill it down the relevant part of the column.

I get a bunch of numbers < 1.

> o Select the relevant rows in columns B and C.
> o Go to Data | Sort... and sort by column C.

That sorts the names in B. But that doesn't give me pairs.

> If you actually need the values in pairs as you have described, you 
> can use something like
> =INDIRECT("B"&ROW()*2-1)&", "&INDIRECT("B"&ROW()*2)
> in another column.

In addition to what I already have in B and C?


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