There is a claim that MS Office has some features that the OO variants are not on parity with, and for certain this is a fact. I can trivially make a long list of them. On the other hand, the opposite is also true, and I can make a long list of items for which MSO is still far from on parity with the OO variants. After you become used to certain things, you always miss those specific things when you jump on to something else. I see this in office suites, operating systems, hand tools, etc.

For some people, a specific feature will prevent you from switching to another product.

I wish LO had an easier to use macros. I wish that the latest version of MSO (Outlook seems to be the primary offender) did not turn the VM that contains it into a pig even after I doubled the memory allocated to it (it has a tendency to freeze for up to 15 seconds, never had that with previous versions).

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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