2014-08-03 13:00 keltezéssel, Mark Bourne írta:
Albert Oszkó wrote:
Hi all,

I am new to this list, and I subscribed to try to get some help
previously asked on the opensuse forum, but could not get a good answer
yet. I copy some of my letters sent to that list

In every month  I get a kind of form, an Excel sheet which should be
filled,  then printed and undersigned in the last row . The original
document is created in MS Office 2010 AFAIK, but is saved in *.xls, not
xlsx format. When I open it in LibreOffice, it looks just fine, but when
it comes to printing, the last row, the undersign, slips to a new page.
I was advised to use Kingsoft Office. This originally Chinese package
was praised to the heavens in terms of MS compatibility and usability,
so I gave it a try. Hmmm. My sheet fell apart, and while it recognized
that it was edited with Arial Narrow font, the typography was simply
ugly. The letters was in different distances from each other. I read a
lot, including forums, so I met Softmakers Freeoffice. I installed it.
The outlook is a bit vintage, but that should not be a problem. Opened
my document, looked fine, but just as for LO, the last row slipped to a
new page ( the original document fits on a single A4 page).

Pdf export seems to work. But there is an interesting thing I noticed:
Earlier we got that document for a whole year, and a month was
represented by a tab. When I exported that Excel sheet opend by LO to
Pdf, then the 1st, 3d, etc sheets were OK, that is, fit to a page, but
the even ones had the last line on a new page. Interesting, isn't it?

So is there a workaround? I would cling to LO, if possible. What is the
reason that it still cannot render a not too complicated MS document

I use LO with openSUSE 13.1 and KDE 4.13.3

Any hints and opinions are welcome.

It sounds like the form just about fits on a page for the original author. Any slight difference in fonts, spacing etc. could push the last row onto a second page. Similarly, if the sheet only just fits the width of a page, the last column can get pushed off by slight variations. Even different versions of MS Excel can end up rendering the same document slightly differently. Particularly if you don't have the same fonts installed as are used in the document, in which case substitutes are used.

A few potential workarounds:
1. Format > Page > Sheet > Scale > Fit ... on number of pages > 1
2. Format > Page > Page, Slightly reduce top and bottom margins
3. Slightly reduce the height of one or more blank rows (if any) being used for spacing.

Ideally get the original author to make sure the form fits on a single page with plenty of space to spare (horizontally as well as vertically), so you (and others) don't have to keep adjusting it every time. That will help ensure the form is usable across different systems and software versions.


Dear Mark,

Thank you for the hint. Your 1st suggestion did not work, but another option from the same menu sequence did the job:

Format > Page > Sheet > Scale > Fit printing regions for width/height (or something similar, my locale is Hungarian)


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