Hi :)
I usually get mails from the Marketing List but didn't see any discussion
about the new ideas for branch names.  If i had i might have mentioned that
Fresh vs Stagnant branch held some unfortunate connotations that might not
have been obvious.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 August 2014 20:57, Paul <paulste...@afrihost.co.za> wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Aug 2014 20:54:10 +0200
> "Charles-H. Schulz" <charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> > Paul,
> >
> > The fresh branch is stable enough for everyone to use. LibreOffice
> > does not pilot planes, it does not usually crash, it does the job.
> > There are people who want newer features and people who want more
> > tested versions. There's food for everyone.
> Yes, there is, and no one is saying any different. In fact, I am saying
> that there are people who want both, and so *both* should be offered.
> But by your own admission, one of those branches is "more stable". The
> difference might be slight, but it is enough for the people behind LO
> to continue to offer it when the newer, more featureful branch is also
> being offered.
> So for me first prize would be to have both branches as equal downloads
> on the LO download page. With a clear, concise explanation of what each
> offers, and a link to a slightly longer, fuller explanation. That is
> exactly what I am proposing should be done.
> But barring that, if LO wants to keep a single download as the primary
> download, as it currently is, then I am firm in my belief that the
> primary download should not be the less stable branch, but should
> instead be the more stable branch.
> More experienced users will know where to look for the version they
> require, but it is my belief that new users, the kind that will simply
> click on the big shiny download button, prefer stability over features.
> In the case of an office suite like LO, how much of the new features do
> they even use? Of course people want new features, I just think that
> new users would prefer stability, or even better yet, a clearly
> explained choice, rather than features at the expense of stability. If
> you have statistics to show otherwise, I'm sure you would have
> presented them by now. If you disagree, that is of course fine, but it
> remains purely our individual opinions until someone presents some
> pertinent facts. Although as far as I can tell from the responses, it
> seems most people here agree with me, so if I were the marketing team, I
> would give it careful consideration.
> > Now: if you have ideas for new names, etc. you are welcome to
> > contribute to our marketing team.
> Well, this particular discussion was about how the downloads are
> presented, not about the names for each branch, and I have already made
> my opinions on the branch names clear, but I will reiterate them here
> for clarity:
> "Still" should be "Stable"
> "Fresh" *can* stay the same, but should rather be "Current" or
> "Development"
> Feel free to pass that on to the marketing team. I don't think I will
> be joining another mailing list, one with an agenda that I am largely
> not interested in, just to contribute that. This discussion was opened
> here, and I contributed my opinions; I am happy leaving it at that. I'm
> sure the right people are aware of this discussion, or, if not, that
> someone who is on both lists will pass along our sentiments.
> Paul
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Charles.
> >
> >
> > Le Wed, 6 Aug 2014 20:07:41 +0200,
> > Paul <paulste...@afrihost.co.za> a écrit :
> >
> > > Just to add another point... (see inline)
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, 6 Aug 2014 20:04:56 +0200
> > > Paul <paulste...@afrihost.co.za> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, 6 Aug 2014 19:01:19 +0200
> > > > Florian Reisinger <flo...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Hi Tom,
> > > > >
> > > > > If we do not find the bugs in the fresh version, they won't be
> > > > > resolved until the rename to Stable/Still. If less use Fresh,
> > > > > the quality of the next stable will be lower.... Does this help?
> > > >
> > > > That is true, but it still seems dangerous to push new users
> > > > towards Fresh. If users start with Stable, then, after learning
> > > > that it is stable, are pushed towards Fresh to get newer
> > > > features, then the ones who want stability won't move across and
> > > > will be happy, and the ones who want new features will move,
> > > > knowing there is stability to fall back on, and so will also be
> > > > happy. Should they find that everything works, they will be happy
> > > > with new features, and should they find instability, they will be
> > > > happy to fall back on the stable version, knowing that they had
> > > > taken a *slight* risk.
> > > >
> > > > Conversely, if you push all new people to Fresh, any who find no
> > > > bugs will be happy, but any that find bugs will have the
> > > > impression that LO is buggy and unstable, and won't necessarily
> > > > know about Stable to fall back on. Those that are told about
> > > > Stable will undoubtedly grumble about the fact that they should
> > > > have been told about it in the first place.
> > > >
> > > > I'm not saying that this is a simple matter, just that in my
> > > > opinion it is far better to offer the Stable branch as the
> > > > default install, and urge users to try out the Fresh branch when
> > > > they start asking about features. Once they've gotten as far as
> > > > asking about features, they're already far enough in the process
> > > > to get help should there be any unexpected problems with Fresh.
> > >
> > > They're also far enough along in the process to offer bug reports...
> > >
> > > > Also, giving proper explanations
> > > > (well, proper brief explanations with a link to a more detailed
> > > > explanation) on the download page lets new users evaluate the
> > > > choice themselves, and that way they are less likely to be angry
> > > > when caught out by something.
> > > >
> > > > There should still be enough users of Fresh in this scenario to
> > > > allow for the needed user testing.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Paul
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Liebe Grüße, / Yours,
> > > > > Florian Reisinger
> > > > >
> > > > > > Am 06.08.2014 um 11:17 schrieb Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com>:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Hi :)
> > > > > > This seems to be contradicting what Charles is saying.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Also is it really a good policy to force new and unwitting
> > > > > > users to act as guinea-pigs?  Should all new users be pushed
> > > > > > into finding and fixing bugs?  Would it really be bad to give
> > > > > > them a clear and easy route to a less buggy version? Regards
> > > > > > from Tom :)
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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