My dad is a long time OpenOffice user and today he called me about a
problem he's having with one of his spreadsheets.   Apparently, he hides
rows to reduce the amount of information he sees when he's looking at
the spreadsheet.

Today, he needed to change a cell in one of the hidden rows.  When he
tried to make a change, he showed the row but wasn't able to change a
cell because something prevented him from making changes.  When he
showed the hidden row, he saw an icon for an anchor and green squares
along the perimeter of the selection of the now shown rows.

He sent the spreadsheet to me and when I open it in LibreOffice Calc, on Linux, I see the same behavior he describes.  From what I can
tell, it looks like Calc converts the hidden row into an image or
graphic of some kind such that when he tries to change it, he can't
because those rows are now part of an image/graphic or "object" that's
embedded in the file.

Any ideas on what could be going on?   He first encountered this with
OpenOffice 4.1.0 and continues to see it with OpenOffice 4.0.1.




/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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