On 08/11/2014 08:33 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
> At 19:34 11/08/2014 -0700, Tom Williams wrote:
>> My dad is a long time OpenOffice user and today he called me about a
>> problem he's having with one of his spreadsheets. Apparently, he
>> hides rows to reduce the amount of information he sees when he's
>> looking at the spreadsheet. Today, he needed to change a cell in one
>> of the hidden rows. When he tried to make a change, he showed the row
>> but wasn't able to change a cell because something prevented him from
>> making changes. When he showed the hidden row, he saw an icon for an
>> anchor and green squares along the perimeter of the selection of the
>> now shown rows.
>> He sent the spreadsheet to me and when I open it in LibreOffice Calc,
>> on Linux, I see the same behavior he describes. From what I
>> can tell, it looks like Calc converts the hidden row into an image or
>> graphic of some kind such that when he tries to change it, he can't
>> because those rows are now part of an image/graphic or "object"
>> that's embedded in the file.
> I doubt very much that Calc has converted values to a picture of those
> values. But yes: you very probably do have a graphic or other object
> in or covering the relevant cells. If you need to modify a cell which
> appears inaccessible because of an overlaid graphic, there are a
> number of ways to do this.
> o You can type the cell reference into the Name Box and then edit the
> contents in the Input Line.
> o You can (temporarily?) suppress display of the graphic at Tools |
> Options... | LibreOffice Calc | View | Objects | Objects/Graphics.
> o Most easily, you can send the graphic to the background using
> right-click | Arrange > | To Background. If you do this, you may want
> to bring it back to the front after you have completed the edit, but
> you will not be able to select it by simply clicking on it precisely
> because it is now in the background. One convenient way to select the
> graphic is to open the Navigator (go to View | Navigator or press F5)
> and double-click the name of the graphic. You can then use right-click
> | Arrange > | To Foreground to reset the position.
> Of course, if you cannot see the graphic and are not missing anything,
> it may be that you don't want it and can merely delete it.

Well, I have an update on this issue.   You were 100% correct about an
image covering the cells.  Apparently, my dad used a copy/paste function
to update the spreadsheet and pasted data as a bitmap.   So, I was able
to guide him through simply deleting the image and his data is editable
as expected.




/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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