I really do understand but I think you underestimate the complexity of a
project with more than 10,000,000 lines of code. That being said, I have
no additional feedback and we're not going to be forcing anything on
volunteers so . . . we can agree to disagree and know that this is how
the project works-take it or leave it.


On 10/03/2014 06:19 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> Aww heck that'd be brilliant!  If TDF could take Thunderbird under their
> wing instead of leaving it with Mozilla.
> Mozilla don't seem to appreciate just how many people rely on Thunderbird.
> It's the best OpenSource email client around, in the opinion of a huge
> percentage of people apparently.
> People, and articles have often said that LibreOffice could never compete
> with MSO because it lacks an email client.  Completely missing the point
> that so many great email clients integrate so well with LibreOffice.  Maybe
> if there was a kinda default one and if that was as great as Thunderbird is
> then it'd cut a lot of detractors off at the knees.
> Sorry!  I do agree with your main points!
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 3 October 2014 13:16, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
>> Fair enough. I guess that belief was a remnant from the Sun/Openoffice
>> days.
>> My apologies for a huge, incorrect assumption.
>> Also, I just realized there is a distinction that I have been making,
>> but that may have been missed and so may be causing a disconnect.
>> That distinction is, code that someone writes and contributes - like,
>> for example, this new 'Inline editing' feature for Input fields' - vs
>> pre-existing/old legacy code and/or bugs that is/was already there, long
>> before any new volunteers come along.
>> In most of the projects I use and interact with, bugs are taken very
>> seriously, and fixed as soon as they are verified (after being
>> reported), with a 'thank you very much for reporting this!' response...
>> It is *only* enhancements/feature requests that get the *very* valid and
>> legitimate 'patches welcome!' and/or 'we will happily add that feature
>> for you for $##### bucks.' responses...
>> Libreoffice, and Mozilla Thunderbird are the only projects I use and
>> interact with on a daily basis that seem to act totally contrary to
>> this, and constantly play the 'fix it yerself/pay someone to fix it for
>> you' cards. With Thunderbird, it is really only because they simply
>> don't have enough manpower (2 or 3 devs for the entire project, I
>> believe), and they are dealing with a ton of pre-existing/old legacy
>> code/bugs, and I totally get it. I also totally get it with respect to
>> the same code in Libreoffice, and from what I understand, that it is a
>> huge monster of a code base.
>> But all of that is really orthogonal to my main point...
>> Software developers, whether volunteer or not, should have *some* level
>> of responsibility and obligation on their part to fix bugs they
>> themselves introduce into code they write. I know I would if I were one,
>> and I know I do for anything that I do build.
>> They write it - they should own it.
>> I simply don't understand how anyone could believe otherwise.
>> On 10/2/2014 5:57 PM, Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Um - well two points:
>>> 1. None of the paid developers are paid by TDF - we have 0 paid
>>> developers on staff.
>>> 2. Most commits are still done by volunteers and many are done by paid
>>> developers on their free time (ie. when they are volunteering).
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