Wow, you're really bringing your students up to date;

       Maybe I should start using 'styles'  ;-)

From: Virgil Arrington <>
Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Tab defaults change when pasting into
Writer from some other applications
To: anne-ology <>

On 11/1/2014 9:33 AM, anne-ology wrote:

        I agree with your method ... & congratulate you on obviously being
> a bright teacher.
>        Now ...
>            I'm curiously wondering how using 'styles' differs from the
> 'select all' then changing the font, or whatever;
>                that method takes me mere seconds as well  ;-)
>        Also, I'm curiously wondering what method(s) your students would be
> using which would take them so long ???
If the *only* thing you want to change is the font document-wide, then your
"select all" method will work. But formatting goes far beyond changing a

The documents I typically create (as simple as they are) have many
different types of paragraphs including the following:

- A Title, set in 20 point, bold, Linux Biolinum G, centered, with 12
points of white space below the paragraph.

- A Subtitle, the same as the Title, except with 16 point, bold type.

- Several Section Heading paragraphs, each with Linux Biolinum G in ever
reducing sizes, flush left, with 12 points of white space above the
paragraph, and with automatic numbering through the Outline Numbering.
Also, I have them set to "keep with the next paragraph," which is important
when creating heading styles to ensure that you don't have a random heading
by itself at the bottom of the page with the following paragraph on the
next page. If I need a "Chapter Title" paragraph, I can create it to always
begin on a new page.

- A main Body paragraph, with 12 point Linux Libertine G, set flush left,
single spaced, with 12 points of white space above it.

- A main Body paragraph, the same as the above, but with an indented first
line (2 picas) and no white space above the paragraph.

- Main Body paragraphs set double-spaced for legal briefs and scholarly

- A Blockquote paragraph, which is single spaced and indented 2 picas on
the left margin with additional white space above and below the paragraphs.

To generate all of this formatting without styles requires the user to
format each paragraph or set of paragraphs directly, selecting each
formatting characteristic separately, including font, size, line spacing,
paragraph indents, and on and on. Doing it directly takes a lot of time,
and then you have to be careful to make sure all your section headings are
formatted consistently (was that 16 points or 18 points?). But, to do it
with styles is super quick. And the consistency throughout the document
almost brings tears of joy to my eyes.


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