Sorry I changed the subject line there... I have never been able to get
the list to copy me with my posts and I just forgot that I had the post
in Sent mail.

The point of the posts was to note that in fact it is easy enough to get
LO working on Yosemite but it requires a bit of messing about,  some of
which is counter-intuitive.

To recap, LO was tweaked months ago so that java was not sourced when it
comes up (unless you make it do that, lol) which avoids the maddening
issue of seemingly being unable to change your java prefs. If you have
the current LO version, you will be able to open LO, but LO will crash
when you try to open any file without Apple Java 6
Yes, LO still requires the initial presence of Apple Java 6, and, Apple
OS upgrade blows the previous Apple Java configuration away
Once Apple Java 6 is re-installed, you can go into Preferences->Advanced
and select Oracle Java (if you previously installed it, it will still be
there as the upgrade does not remove it)
If you install a more recent Oracle JDK after you install the Apple
Java, the Apple Java will no longer appear in Preferences, and you can
select the Oracle Java you want LO to use. Why?  beats me.
Once that is all done you can open/create LO docs that invoke java
without the crashing.
Apple Java resides in its own location and will simply from that point
on be ignored.
Remember that you can install just an Oracle JRE,  or you can install an
Oracle JDK, which comes with the JRE. Your JDK is not updated like your
JRE may be. Check your JDK from time to time.
On 11/6/14 9:36 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> Hmmm, don't the installers for java try to uninstall previous
> versions, if it can find them (which it often fails to do)? 
> Interesting that 8 manages to find and block 6, does it manage to
> uninstall it? 
> Regards from
> Tom :) 
> On 6 November 2014 17:04, Marc Grober <
> <>> wrote:
>     if one then removes jdk 7 (e. g. sudo rm -rf jdk1.7.0_nn.jdk) and
>     installs Java 8 JDK, Java 6 disappears from the LO selection list...
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