Re: Brian's comment about Adobe Reader in Linux: "All you do by changing to
Linux is to prevent yourself using Adobe Reader, which is not available for
that system."

While Adobe Reader is no longer "officially" supported in Linux, it does
indeed still run on at least the Debian flavors of Linux. For a short while
after Adobe dropped official Linux installs, this was difficult to do, and
so I used Okular for a bit but, adequate as that is, it isn't nearly as
clean, smooth, slick or whatever as Acroread/Adobe Reader.

There is currently a .deb package for Reader version IX available that is
fairly painless to install (AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb), and doesn't
require Wine or any VM. It is only 32 bit, but I can confirm that it runs
nicely on 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04. Since I only regularly use a subset of its
features, I can't confirm that "everything" works, but I haven't yet run
across anything that doesn't work.

Just for grins, I opened a Writer file, exported it as a pdf and Acroread
displayed the document (I have automatic display after export checked in
Writer). With both LO and Acroread still active, I edited the Writer
document, and exported to pdf again. When I switched over to the Acroread
display, the new lines I added were displayed. Since I don't use the
commenting tools, I didn't confirm that those work, however.

I regularly export to pdf in order to print double-sided documents that, as
you're probably aware, Writer hasn't handled well at all for several
versions so, as a result, I use Acroread on a fairly regular basis out of

To quote my favorite LO commentator, "I hope this helps."


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