In my case PDFs are one of the best most portable file formats. I use them 
extensively for anything I scan and save. I never expect anyone to edit PDFs I 
create but I often get editable ones as forms that I fill out and save and send 
back. Best is that even old versions of the files can be read by new versions 
of the SW. It's a perfect archiving format.

As for encryption, that also works well. 

I've never seen the excess blank pages or wide margins unless the person set it 
up that way.

As others have mentioned, PDF is a print format and not really meant to be 
editable in the same sense an ODT file is. 
On Dec 30, 2014, at 8:50 AM, anne-ology <> wrote:

> rom a PDF file, there's a lot of blank pages, gobbledegook,
> extraneous lines criss-crossing, as well as extremely wide margins - all of
> which not only wastes paper but makes for a quite messy printed page(s).
>       So other than those who think they're ecrypting the data why does
> anyone use a program which makes such a mess

Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire 
Desert Weyr, LLC - Black Welsh Mountain Sheep  
LambTracker - Open Source SW for Shepherds
Paonia, CO USA

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