Adobe originally intended PDF to be a colour "fax" format for sending
documents to others. It was also intended to be a universal printable
format so that recipients did not need the sender's software (OgreOffice,
PubCrawler, or whatever) to print the output of the sender's program.


On 1 January 2015 at 02:20, Oogie McGuire <> wrote:

> In my case PDFs are one of the best most portable file formats. I use them
> extensively for anything I scan and save. I never expect anyone to edit
> PDFs I create but I often get editable ones as forms that I fill out and
> save and send back. Best is that even old versions of the files can be read
> by new versions of the SW. It's a perfect archiving format.
> As for encryption, that also works well.
> I've never seen the excess blank pages or wide margins unless the person
> set it up that way.
> As others have mentioned, PDF is a print format and not really meant to be
> editable in the same sense an ODT file is.
> .
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 8:50 AM, anne-ology <> wrote:
> > rom a PDF file, there's a lot of blank pages, gobbledegook,
> > extraneous lines criss-crossing, as well as extremely wide margins - all
> of
> > which not only wastes paper but makes for a quite messy printed page(s).
> >
> >       So other than those who think they're ecrypting the data why does
> > anyone use a program which makes such a mess
> Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire
> Desert Weyr, LLC - Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
> LambTracker - Open Source SW for Shepherds
> Paonia, CO USA
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