You might have the answer in your own question, even I am not quite ready in my thinking about this.

If you move the formula (e.g. via the sequence ctrl+X and ctrl+V at the new position, well you can do it via the edit menu instead) the references do not change, the formula still points at the same cells as in the first position. It is when you copy the formula the references change, as they are relative. However to really get them absolute, you have to anchor them with the "$" sign.

Den 2015-01-04 16:39, skrev Robert Peirce:
I have some rate-of-change triangles I need to change. These show the annual rate of change for different numbers of years and look like this:

2010    X    X    X    X    X
2011    X    X    X    X
2012    X    X    X
2013    X    X
2014    X

Basically, I want to reverse the lines, moving the top to bottom and vice versa. I want to do this so the multiple years go out from the ending date instead of the starting date. Like this:

2010    X
2011    X    X
2012    X    X    X
2013    X    X    X    X
2014    X    X    X    X    X

If I just copy and paste and the cells aren't protected by '$' the cells change accordingly. I don't want that to happen. I want the formulae to reference the same cells. I just want to move them to another location. Is there any way to do this?

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