Am 23.02.2015 um 13:20 schrieb Andreas Säger:
Am 23.02.2015 um 13:02 schrieb hw:

Would it be possible to have one file this "Standard" library is saved
in for multiple users, or would that give problems with several users
accessing the same file?  Perhaps I could put it on a network share and
allow only read-only access to it.

Yes. Build your own LO installation package with your macros in the user
Just in case your macros refer to a specific class of user defined
document templates: In this case you store all macros in the template
they refer to. And yes, distributeion of such templates requires an
install package with modified profile or a user who installs the
template into the profile via File>Templates>Save...
I can't find the LO administration guide on May be
someone else can point us to it.

How do you build an installation package?

LO is installed on a Windows terminal server for all users, yet each user has their own settings. To get macro distributed, I have to save it to a text file which then can be copied and pasted from for each user. Or is there a better way?

BTW, is there a way to use an external editor to edit these macros? I'd rather use a decent editor like emacs than the poor thing built into LO.

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