Hi :)

I'm working with FilemakerPro since it was available for Windows (1995) for Standalone-Databases. I'm working with PHP and mySql since 1998 and with Typo3 (using PHP and MySql) since 2002. I always used FilemakePro for all kinds of single-user databases, e.g. Address_lists, Invoices, etc. and later (beginning with FileMaker Pro 7.0) I used it as a Frontend for MySql.

But unfortunately Filemaker ist not available for Linux, only for Mac+Windows, so some days ago I gave LibreOffice Base (4.4) a try, did some tutorials and now I'm very exited about its possibilites - especially the use of direct mysql-queries (thats not possible with FileMaker).

But in LibreOffice Base there are some (in my opinion very important) things missing:

1. I cannot use the internal LibreOffice Database together with an other external (e.g. Mysql-) Database. With Filemaker I often created local (Filemaker-) Databases, containing search-filters (or settings) for the local user that filter the lists of the mySql-Data-Forms. This seems not possible with LO Base.

2. LO Base is missing options to create apps for 'simple' users.
Using a LibreOffice Base file is too complicate for many users who simply have to add/edit data. I know, there are standalone-forms, but there are too few possibilities with that (e.g. no Macros).
For a 'simple' user, I'd like to have
- *one* Window and buttons to switch the content of the window to different forms/reports etc.
- a tab-controller element (switching through subforms with tabs)
- a script-engine easier to use than macros (see FileMaker how this can be made perfectly) - Security-Settings/User-Rights, so that users cannot destroy their app by mistake

This year, I have to create a frontend for a really big MySql-Database (100+ Tables). There is a web-app to browse this data, but for adding/editing data there is no perfect solution yet (This customer uses a php-import-script for his Access-Databses atm...)

I would really like to implement this frontent with LO-Base, but I'm afraid I will end up with Filemaker because I can create a more robust tool with it (and also, because I'm used to it since years...)

I'm curious to see what will be new in the next versions of LibreOffice Base.


Maybe I'm wrong with the results of my test and all/some of these options already are possible - if so, please let me know ;)

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