Am 17.03.2015 um 13:22 schrieb hw:

Am 16.03.2015 um 18:00 schrieb Andreas Säger:
Am 16.03.2015 um 16:21 schrieb hw:

Without any coding it is be possible to create a field of hyperlinks.
Just add a HYPERLINK formula next to the import range. The adjacent
field expands to the size of the import range.

You mean to the size of the image?  It doesn't scale the images to
achieve a reasonable overall layout?

In this case, I could make the images all the same size; in other cases,
I might have images in all different sizes ...

Nope. I mean you can add a hyperlink to the spreadsheet which opens the
picture in your pic viewing program.

Ok, so I want to import data from a CSV file and would like to have some
formatting applied automatically, like specifying a particular width and
conditional formatting for some of the columns when I open the file
which is sent to me by email.

It would be possible to write some extra data into the CSV to achieve this.

How could I do this?

Sorry, this is the wrong answer to the right post --- still a question, though.

The answer to this post should have been that I would need the images to appear in the spread sheet.

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