Am 18.03.2015 um 23:10 schrieb xavier2:
> Hi Andreas, thanks for the amazing info you gave me.
> Well, I was not meaning to SQL, because what I want to do right now are
> queries using the gird, the queries window.

"The grid" (do you mean the "design view"?) creates an SQL statement as
you can see when you toggle between the design view and SQL view. There
is a toggle option in the menu and on the toolbar. The query designer
does a very bad job. It is almost useless because it can only produce
baby-SQL. Within a weekend you learn much more SQL than that tool will
ever be able to handle. I can demonstrate lots of working queries that
are messed up completely once you load them into the design view.

> I wanted some examples of this, with already created queries.
> Exactly the last link you gave me...

On the linked forum you find dozends of example files with all kinds of

> However, I need a bit more:
> I would need help to understand these functions:
> *STDDEV_POP, STDDEV_SAMP, VAR_SAMP, VAR_POP, Collect, Fusion, Intersection*

STDEV is the standard deviation, VAR stands for VARIATION, POP for a
full population, STDDEV for a sample, I don't know about Collect, Fusion
and Intersection. You might find them in SQL tutorials.

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